Ret T12 Offpiece (Iiris)

Ret T12 Offpiece (Iiris)

Post 14 Jul 2011 08:47

Avatar TrophyKing
Posts: 3
Dear Iiris,

I've earned enough valor to buy any of the three T12 pieces for ret. I've scoured the internet for a defined BiS list, but everything seems to be a matter of opinion. Basically the offpiece choice is down to one of these slots: helm, gloves, chest.

I see that you are using the heroic chest offpiece. Is this the best offpiece choice, or just a lucky pick at what was available? I understand gear choices are sparse this early in content, but it would really help me (and other rets) a lot if you could post your thoughts and any advice regarding T12 for ret.

Thanks! :D

Re: Ret T12 Offpiece (Iiris)

Post 15 Jul 2011 07:16

Avatar Raith
Posts: 1
I know im not Iiris :)

But just looking over the stat values for the tier items... the chest looks to be the easyest one to replace (out of the 5 peices). Just look at any site that shows the item listing and do a quick add up of the top peices :)

Re: Ret T12 Offpiece (Iiris)

Post 15 Jul 2011 17:28

User avatarIiris
Posts: 118
I haven't looked into any BiS lists yet. I just picked up the chest for progress because it was easy to replace and it is good for pala (and probably bis).