Firstly sorry for posting in English, my Finnish is a little... useless :D
This post is purely for Nakkimon, an old friend who still shows his one blade on boss kill screenshots... give it up Nakki, you're only a man with the set. :D
So Nakki, kept in contact with anyone from old High Council? I notice Diamondtear's here as well, i guess you Finn guys are destined to spend your lives on WoW. XD
Is a Rouge a Rouge without Twin-blades?
Re: Is a Rouge a Rouge without Twin-blades?
- Posts: 3
I'm hurt Diamondtear :( Dont you remember me from High Council? :( Mage, Undead, best hairstyle in whole of WoW?
Re: Is a Rouge a Rouge without Twin-blades?
- Posts: 3
nakkimon wrote:i think hes joking about my 1 glaive :(
Damn you're faster then i remember Nakki :D also no hi? I feel burned :(
7 posts -