Hey, I was thinking of dropping 4 piece, (replaced 359 head with head from shannox, and replacing 372 gloves with T12 Gloves)
Has anyone else thought of doing this? if so what is the rough amount of haste you are aiming for?
Dropping T11 4 Piece.
Dropping T11 4 Piece.
- Posts: 12
Re: Dropping T11 4 Piece.
- Posts: 473
I wouldn't drop the T11 4piece bonus for anything less than T12 2piece, if even that...
Re: Dropping T11 4 Piece.
- Posts: 12
Hmm, okay.
Might actually wait for it then. Any plans on what valor points to get?
Any suggestions would be amazing, Thanks for taking the time to answer.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/b ... a/advanced
Might actually wait for it then. Any plans on what valor points to get?
Any suggestions would be amazing, Thanks for taking the time to answer.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/b ... a/advanced
Re: Dropping T11 4 Piece.
- Posts: 6
It really depends what offpiece you have, for example in my BiS list that i compiled and discussed with the hunters of my guild i concluded that it's best to use the chest from Rhyolith as an offpiece so when we killed it on heroic i got the 391 version of it, i didn't use it though because i currently have the gloves from T12 and nothing else. If you have a 391 off piece and can get 2 piece T12 i think it is an advantage to go for the 2 set bonus and drop the 4 set from T11.

Re: Dropping T11 4 Piece.
- Posts: 6
I dropped all 4 pieces of 372 T11 for Shannox HC head, Beth HC shoulders, and normal tier chest / gloves, seems to be an increase tbh.
As Kruf says, AT THE VERY LEAST 2pc T12, but preferably with something for the other slots too,
As Kruf says, AT THE VERY LEAST 2pc T12, but preferably with something for the other slots too,
7 posts -