Hi I was wondering If I could get some feed back on what priests are thinking about eventually getting the new legendary weapon. I myself play disc/atonement spec and I go shadow on some fights. I was looking at the stats and I thought that it would also be a good weap for disc atone healing with all that int and the proc being copying your spells 2 attone heals? :)
Would love Jhaz's imput /thoughts on this :). Sorry for the terrible grammer.
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest
- Posts: 1
Re: Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest
- Posts: 158
I guess he meant atonement healing. So that you could get extra smites from the proc --> 2x atonement heals
Hating with passion
Re: Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest
- Posts: 390
If a guild chooses to build Dragonwrath for one of their Shadow Priests, who then finds themselves having to bring in Discipline for an encounter, then sure, I can imagine the proc being very cute indeed. Practical? Heavens no, but still cuter than it has any right to be.
4 posts -