Hello guyz!
I am playing an orc affliction warlock atm and i was thinking to reach the 30% haste to get the 2nd extra UA tick and the 4th BoA tick.
This i can achieve by changing my orc to goblin and dropping 1 point in hit rating wich is 16.5% atm.
Question is: Is it worth it to drop the awesome orc racials for those extra ticks?
Goblin vs Orc
Goblin vs Orc
- Posts: 13
Re: Goblin vs Orc
- Posts: 2
I currently play an aff/demo warlock. Both PvE specs. Goblin is the race. I find the goblin much better because of the fact that the haste is passive. Passive > use majority of the time, because you never know when your rotation might get messed up by some mechanic like "OH SHIT I FORGOT TO GET AIR BUFF" on ascendant counci, that throws off your soul swap sync. The haste allows you to redot them up quickly, whenever you need it to. So imo haste > spell power cd.
Re: Goblin vs Orc
- Posts: 13
tbh i like on use cd's, and you just cant ignore 585sp every 2mins and 5% increased pet dmg.
i would like some simcraft but i dunno how to sim this to compare.
i would like some simcraft but i dunno how to sim this to compare.
Re: Goblin vs Orc
- Posts: 2
I know what you mean, I also run a 10 man, so there are alot more mechanics for players to watch out for, since 1/10 people get it instead of 2/25 people. I just have always found passive to be more beneficial, but it's totally situational. Another factor is your loss in hit rating you mentioned? More loss in hit rating means your playing the game called luck. If you happen to miss a UA and not realize it until mid shadow-bolt (or whatever filler you use), by instinct (not always) I interupt my cast to get that UA up, it's instinct. Might not be smart but in intense raiding points everyone does things they could have done better.
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