Just a few questions

Just a few questions

Post 07 Jun 2011 15:13

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Posts: 1
I was looking for a good AddOn for multiple targeting and I stumbled upon this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xDdYZWq ... re=related

Nothing on the internet was helping me, that I could find, in the little time I have to spare at the moment. Was wondering if any of you could tell me what AddOn he is using on the right hand side, that shows Shields/Dots Active/All available targets? I could really use this for fights like Omnotron/VT. Maybe you guys could recommend something similar or better even?

The other question I have is, what is the best way to DPS Poison Bombs while not in range for Hellfire? The obvious answer here is dots, but do you guys find it worth it to put Bane of Agony on each one of them, or just Immolate/Corruption (seeing as how they don't live very long)? I'm only playing Demonology currently and it didn't seem worth it to move, just to be in range for Shadowflame/Hellfire.

Thanks in advance and sorry if somebody has already asked you guys these questions, but I really don't have time to look around right now.