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5/13 Heroic
Currently, I was in a debate with my guild leader of maximizing tank survivability with Elixirs (Mastery+Prismatic) versus Flask (Stamina). As of late, he's pointed out that me and our secondary tank are taking too much damage. Resulting in the healers having to heal the tanks more then the raid and the raid dying. At the time, I had full stamina gems (He asked me to do so, when we were pushing progression, but things came up so we never got to "Push" for it.) but recently (Yesterday) I had made the decision to switch back from Full Stamina gems to Mitigation gems (IE. Mastery/Parry+Stam/Mastery+Stam Gems). We get into the discussion and he tells me that he wants me to completely follow: ... a/advanced
As he said, we (Tanks) are taking too much damage and resulting in the healers not having time to heal the raid. I am trying to point out to him that I do not have the gear, nor the healers numbers that Verdisha has. If I go full stamina (Like how I was, when the healers were complaining about me taking large amounts of damage) instead of mitigation, the healers are still going to be in the same predicament. The only change being I'm switching out my Tol Barad Mastery Resist trinket for Vial of Stolen Memories. Will the increase of Stamina from the trinket, and switching two pieces around really make the healers have an easier job or make it so they'll have to heal even more? I've also had some of my Parry reforged to Dodge to keep Dodge and Parry within 1-2% to maximize avoidance and minimize Diminishing Returns.
To sum it up, the healers are having to heal me and our other tank more. My GM is making me go Full Stamina (I was already Full Stamina minus the Swapped trinket now) to help the healers. Will going full stamina over mitigation hurt or help our healers in these Heroics? I was also under the impression that You want to keep your Parry/Dodge 1-2% away from each other, but keep parry higher. He is having me go reforge the Parry I had turned into Dodge, back into parry. He is also explaining to me how some of our DPS are complaining about my threat (Fire/Arcane Mage, Ret Paladin) and I explain to them that within the first 30 seconds of the fight, or when Im not having Vengeance (IE, no Vengeance for not being hit as I wait for Adds to spawn on certain fights.) I am going to have aggro problems, especially against these classes. For initiating fights, I'll use Battle/Commanding Shout beforehand, Charge, Bloodelf Racial, Engineering Tinker, Shield Block + Shield Slam, Inner Rage + Berserker Rage. After that I use Revenge/Devastate (If Revenge is open for that second off GCD.)