So, I decided to do some math and see if Caelestras'z will was BiS for ret and it came out as being 802.68 and 847.98 for rage of Ages using the most current Stat Weights, this was with reforging both
The dodge of Will to Crit
And the Hit from Rage into Crit
And even with putting the dodge from will into Hit it still comes out lower
Maybe I'm missing something? Is it just the way all the gear in combination comes out to when being reforged? Just wondering before I start whispering for it during loot, Which I did last night but our dk won it over me so it worked out
Asking it here since I figured the ret paladin of one of the top guilds in the world would probably be able to answer this pretty easily
Caelestrasz's Will and Ret
Caelestrasz's Will and Ret
- Posts: 4
Re: Caelestrasz's Will and Ret
- Posts: 57
- Location: England
I cant speak for ret pala but i would assume its due to the socket in will, giving +40strength. Being a fury warrior i know it was BiS and now has to contend with 373 hit/crit neck from Alakir heroic. But i think the socket makes it a worth while neck for ret?
Re: Caelestrasz's Will and Ret
- Posts: 118
Hello Zefa
Seems like you are right indeed. I think I picked this neck up before the ret mastery buff and didn't really do any calculations after that if it was the best or not =). With the most recent Redscape's spreadsheet's stat weights I get 825,506 dps for Caelestrasz's Will (869,114 dps with hit reforge) and 870,462 dps for Rage of Ages. Looks like I have to pick this up next time it drops... hopefully with Ashkandi =D.
Seems like you are right indeed. I think I picked this neck up before the ret mastery buff and didn't really do any calculations after that if it was the best or not =). With the most recent Redscape's spreadsheet's stat weights I get 825,506 dps for Caelestrasz's Will (869,114 dps with hit reforge) and 870,462 dps for Rage of Ages. Looks like I have to pick this up next time it drops... hopefully with Ashkandi =D.
4 posts -