Hello there
How did you manage to get the wrack debuff to count 1 to 15 on your grid on paragons first kill
Would be helpful if you could guide me through how you did that, even tough we have killed sinestra.
It would make my life easier, I have timer countin down, makes it bit harder when I have to remember what xx to dispel :p
Sinestra wrack timer on Ilonie grid
Sinestra wrack timer on Ilonie grid
- Posts: 4
Re: Sinestra wrack timer on Ilonie grid
- Posts: 390
For our kill we had a rough custom modification of an existing add-on. Others have since created a full version.
Re: Sinestra wrack timer on Ilonie grid
- Posts: 4
I was aware of that addon, but it require me to get 3 other "plug'ins" for grid, trying to reduce the addon memory usage.
and The one Ilonie have on the kill looks pefect, wrack icon with timer from 1-15 is simple and easy
and The one Ilonie have on the kill looks pefect, wrack icon with timer from 1-15 is simple and easy
Re: Sinestra wrack timer on Ilonie grid
- Posts: 4
Ye I figure it out now, was just some other posted with indicator shit and I got confused.
Thanks anyway ;)
Thanks anyway ;)
5 posts -