Hello there!
I've searched the forums for something like this, but since I haven't found it, here it comes:
My guild is currently on progression at sinestra, and thus I'm playing demonology there. My main concern is regarding phase3, with the haste buff.
I tried to get most of my haste out by reforging (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/warsong/ununseptium/advanced) with the objective of getting more mastery/hit (using the priority int>hit>mast>haste>crit). P1 and P2 are pretty easily handled (the dps side of it) in 10man, so my idea here was that I would have excessive haste on p3 (my gear was Destruction oriented) and thus I decided to get rid of some haste. After doing that, I could cast soul fire at 1.3s and both Incinerate(molten core) and Shadow Bolt got their cast time at 1s or below (hopefully we're doing more p3 tries today so I'll come with exact numbers asap).
Do you have some advice regarding that? Do locks usually try to make Soul FIre a 1 second cast spell (by getting more haste) and just spam that (while keeping the dots up, ofc) or leave it as it is and do the normal spell priority (casting SF at the execute phase only)?
Note: By normal prority I mean dots (corr, immo, doom, shadowflame), gul'dan, incinerate (molten core), shadowbolt.
Note2: If I didn't write it clear enough tell me, I'll try again, not a native english speaker =p
Demonology & Sinestra
Demonology & Sinestra
- Posts: 6
Re: Demonology & Sinestra
- Posts: 155
Hello! Sorry for the late reply, I read this post earlier and was meant to answer this but I forgot about it completely.
Mastery should already be better than haste in your gear levels so keep reforging the haste away. I can assume you're nuking Sinestra, so mastery is the best stat in p3 for that since you'll have satanform with ~100% uptime which greatly increases the dps gain per point. P1 and P2 are rather simple, the whole encounter comes down to p3 so you'll definitely want to min/max for that haste buff.
Mastery should already be better than haste in your gear levels so keep reforging the haste away. I can assume you're nuking Sinestra, so mastery is the best stat in p3 for that since you'll have satanform with ~100% uptime which greatly increases the dps gain per point. P1 and P2 are rather simple, the whole encounter comes down to p3 so you'll definitely want to min/max for that haste buff.
Goddamn, this fissure skill is inaccurate.
Re: Demonology & Sinestra
- Posts: 6
Oh, I really hadn't noticed that fact regarding demon form. Thanks for the advice \o
3 posts -