Disc Priest 25m Help
Disc Priest 25m Help
- Posts: 12
So I just joined a 7/13H 25 man guild when all of Cataclysm I have only done 10 mans so I dont know yet what stats a Disc priest wants to go for. I copied Jhazrun's dps trinkets and his spec for disc and I felt like it was a real improvement but as soon as I joined this guild they said I should take 3/3 Darkness and I need to take points out of Train of Thought and put them in Strength of Soul. And they even said I dont need Inspiration and I know that is a good talent so if someone could tell me what is best for a disc priest for 25 man heroics please help.
Re: Disc Priest 25m Help
- Posts: 390
After INT and SPI, Mastery is the go-to stat of Discipline-25. The other two are of little value in most circumstances.
Note that while the Volcano Card is consistently excellent, the Mirror does require additional planning and adapting, and isn't supported by every encounter.
The talent set-up you see me with, however, is non-negotiable, and I'd be greatly interested in hearing the supposed arguments against it.
Note that while the Volcano Card is consistently excellent, the Mirror does require additional planning and adapting, and isn't supported by every encounter.
The talent set-up you see me with, however, is non-negotiable, and I'd be greatly interested in hearing the supposed arguments against it.
Re: Disc Priest 25m Help
- Posts: 12
Ok thank you and I will keep you up to date on this because I think it is really stupid but I do only use the two dps trinkets on fights were I can use Atonement healing a lot such as halfus, cho'gall, and maloriak.
I have two more questions then I will stop bugging you...
1. Do you have something like power auras to tell you when ever the two trinkets proc? If so then does your basic raid rotation consist of using atonement to heal and when ever one or both of the trinkets proc do you just bubble raid members.
2. I have seen Diamondtear's and Zhinn's UI I am anxious to see yours would you mind posting a pic of it somewhere?
I have two more questions then I will stop bugging you...
1. Do you have something like power auras to tell you when ever the two trinkets proc? If so then does your basic raid rotation consist of using atonement to heal and when ever one or both of the trinkets proc do you just bubble raid members.
2. I have seen Diamondtear's and Zhinn's UI I am anxious to see yours would you mind posting a pic of it somewhere?
Re: Disc Priest 25m Help
- Posts: 390
Dastoutman wrote:I have two more questions then I will stop bugging you...
Oh, perish the thought of feeling bothersome for forum activity.
Dastoutman wrote:1. Do you have something like power auras to tell you when ever the two trinkets proc?
If so then does your basic raid rotation consist of using atonement to heal and when ever one or both of the trinkets proc do you just bubble raid members.
Power Auras indicators keep track of the effects and ICDs, yes.
The closest thing resembling a default rotation would be a mixed stream of Shields, Atonement, and Penance, shifting towards Smite while a trinket is ready, and favoring PW:S during an activation.
Dastoutman wrote:2. I have seen Diamondtear's and Zhinn's UI I am anxious to see yours would you mind posting a pic of it somewhere?
My UI is built around a number of heavily aesthetic elements whose theme is currently in a... transition. I'll eventually be providing an image of the completed project, but the status of raiding content has me spending most of my time elsewhere right now.
Re: Disc Priest 25m Help
- Posts: 50
It would be great if we could see your point of view in future content kill videos as well ^^
Also, seeing less and less of Zhinn makes me sad =(
Also, seeing less and less of Zhinn makes me sad =(
Re: Disc Priest 25m Help
- Posts: 390
Afua wrote:It would be great if we could see your point of view in future content kill videos as well ^^
I'm absolutely looking forward to the opportunity.
Afua wrote:Also, seeing less and less of Zhinn makes me sad =(
On the forums? I imagine he doesn't feel his presence necessary as I've been quite enthusiastic about our Q&A.
Re: Disc Priest 25m Help
- Posts: 50
Nono, I mean in kill videos. The most recent one is Chogall and there's like 15 seconds total of his PoV.
Re: Disc Priest 25m Help
- Posts: 13
Jhazrun wrote:The talent set-up you see me with, however, is non-negotiable, and I'd be greatly interested in hearing the supposed arguments against it.
Would you change anything in your spec if you were raiding ten mans? Is Darkness worth taking or Inspiration maybe?
Re: Disc Priest 25m Help
- Posts: 390
artiq wrote: Would you change anything in your spec if you were raiding ten mans? Is Darkness worth taking or Inspiration maybe?
Every respectable healer set-up already includes Inspiration.
Ten-mans would make fine use of Darkness and Strength of Soul, but the required talent points just aren't available.
Re: Disc Priest 25m Help
- Posts: 2
Jhazrun wrote:Oh, perish the thought of feeling bothersome
Hehe rarity quote made my day Jhaz XP.
So I have a quick question for you as well, I asked a while back about raiding comp as we had 3 priests, this hasn't changed but predominately I'm the disc priest and the other two are holy. I go holy if I need be and so far we are progressing 3/13 25 man hardmodes. Heals aren't bad but raiders are a little slow and reluctant to receive criticism and improve on themselves. We have a demo lock that pulls 14k aoe on the slimes on Maloriak -_-, one of the many reasons we are struggling on him.
So reason why I'm asking is since they don't want to step up their game I'm feeling obligated to step up my healing as much as possible. My question is twofold:
A) What fights in your opinion would you say are disc favored, holy favored, or both perform equally so go with preference
B) gearing questions, since I'm going disc most often I've found myself reforging/picking gear heavy in mastery and not so much haste, but I feel this is affecting me when I do go holy as haste is rather low for it. Is there a sweet spot you've found for gear stats in shifting between the two specs with ease, or do you have two sets for each spec? I'm basically wondering if I should try gathering more haste to help out holy, even if it means dropping some mastery in my disc.
Who knows, probably if disc isn't all that dire of a spec to have in raids anymore it may be easier to focus more for holy stats then disc?