First of all hello everyone, this is my frist thread and I hope it doesn't feel reiterative or boring because of a subject already too spoke.
First I want to ask about Nefarian and how damage works on this boss, I was giving tries on 25man and 10man normal mode yesterday and I've noticed that my Volcano doesn't procc correctly (like it does on every other place in the game...) and I don't know why.
And to be more usefull for everybody I want to talk about trinkets in general. We usually look at best gear as an absolute way of picking the best but there is no boss in wich some proccs (such as the Volcano's fire damage) affect worse or better because of the kind of damage ?
I've been played WOW for just about 4 months but I consider myself and average player (not the best, not the worst) so I'm totally sure I know how to dps in a reliable way at least but some things are way out from my knowledge, I just putting a FICTICIAL example that will clear the nature of my question :
MAGMAW reduces all fire damage taken by 30%, so ... Volcano will not be the best trinket I guess for this encounter, or... ShadowPriest's MindSear does A LOT of more damage with high mastery so ... Theralion's Mirror works so good at this one.
I hope I made my point.
The reason I am asking this is cause I usually visit xenophics and other top priest on the armory and they seem to keep changing trinkets sometimes and I don't know why.
Thank you all.
(my apologies for the english, is not my first language at all ^^)
Trinket procs on Nefarian and others...
Re: Trinket procs on Nefarian and others...
- Posts: 551
dicon wrote:And to be more usefull for everybody I want to talk about trinkets in general. We usually look at best gear as an absolute way of picking the best but there is no boss in wich some proccs (such as the Volcano's fire damage) affect worse or better because of the kind of damage ?
Forgive me if I misunderstood your question(s) wrong here, I'll try my best answering them tho. Indeed there are situations, where some trinkets which usually aren't bis, are better. The situations are usually when a trinket is very close behind the bis item (dps wise) and has a very different kind of proc/use than the bis ones. For instance, if there is a boss where you need to move a lot a flat +intellect/mastery/haste/crit trinket is better than a proc one. Usable trinkets are usually the best as you can decide yourself when to use them. I think I used to change some trinkets around for Sindragosa, as the proc ones tented to always proc when moving/having the casting debuff.
MAGMAW reduces all fire damage taken by 30%, so ... Volcano will not be the best trinket I guess for this encounter, or... ShadowPriest's MindSear does A LOT of more damage with high mastery so ... Theralion's Mirror works so good at this one.
I'm not sure what you meant, but I ain't aoe'ing anything at Magmaw. I single target Magmaw, dot the big add and when it is about to explode throw a couple of swd's on it. Also, the best thing about Volcano is the flat +mastery and the proc, the bonus fire damage is a very small portion of the trinkets value to dps.
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