Hey again, just another question similar to a previous topic.
In your eyes as the number 1 guild, what would be the ideal 25 setup?
We are recruiting for a 25 team at the moment, and really do know nothing on the subject, e.g. do you need 2-3 tanks, how many healers, what dps get prior?
Any help would be appreicated, thank you again.
25 Raiding Team
25 Raiding Team
- Posts: 5
Re: 25 Raiding Team
- Posts: 341
Well, the balanced setup would be something like this: http://raidcomp.mmo-champion.com/?c=evu ... 0000000000 give or take some combat rogues or swap demolock for ele if you need interrupts.
Re: 25 Raiding Team
- Posts: 5
I guess i can take from that post that, 5 healers and 3 tanks are needed? We thought it was 2-6
Re: 25 Raiding Team
- Posts: 3
erjorgito wrote:I guess i can take from that post that, 5 healers and 3 tanks are needed? We thought it was 2-6
Your better off taking a hybrid anyway, more healers wont hurt at all during progress. once healing seems to be fine and healers can easily manage you can start switching roles around. 2 tanks are necessary 1 DPS which has tank as OS as there arn't that many encounters where 3 tanks are a must.
Re: 25 Raiding Team
- Posts: 341
erjorgito wrote:I guess i can take from that post that, 5 healers and 3 tanks are needed? We thought it was 2-6
While I wasn't entirely serious, you'd still want to have enough hybrids capable of performing different roles in times of need. And yes you're usually fine with just 2 tanks and 5 healers often isn't enough.
Re: 25 Raiding Team
- Posts: 75
Instead of making a new topic, ill just ask here because its a similer question:
What should the raid # look like in 10 man: We've been running with 2 tank 3 healers 2 mdps 3 rdps, Is that how it should be? Or is it on a fight by fight basis?
What should the raid # look like in 10 man: We've been running with 2 tank 3 healers 2 mdps 3 rdps, Is that how it should be? Or is it on a fight by fight basis?
Re: 25 Raiding Team
- Posts: 551
Sounds pretty good. At the moment ranged dps is overall a bit better than melee so 3 ranged dps should do the trick. You'll need melee to bring interrupts tho. Just make sure you have a combatress (you can live without it) and replenishment and you are good to go.
7 posts -