hello, this is my first time posting so im a little nervous but i was wondering if it would be possible to have a chat with any of the paragon warlocks about demo rotation/gear/gemming, im assuming im doing many things wrong. Ive been a lok for a few years now. I look at wow logs and ponder over jubeto's rotation. My roation generally uses felguard at start from soul burn cast before pull and then using succubus until execution then use felguard for haste buff at 25%. My dps isnt able to keep up with our destro lok. atm im doing a dismall 18-20k dps on most bosses except maloriak which i do much more due to adds in green phase. Any help or advice would be greatly apreciated. Im all the way down in australia and id love to impress my friends and guildies with some better dps. ty :)
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... nix/simple
I still got 2 blues unfortunatly
australian demo lok seeking guidance
Re: australian demo lok seeking guidance
- Posts: 155
http://elitistjerks.com/f80/t110366-dem ... 6_updated/
It really covers most of the basics. There is really no strict rotation, you follow a priority list with spells you want to use.
1)Use your cooldown abilities, meta, demon soul and pet skills
2)Keep your dots running, on multiple targets if possible(use boa too if you're already having bod up on something)
3)Use shadowflame and immolation aura if you're in melee, try running closer during global cooldowns and use demon leap for final 10 yards if you aren't there already. Staying in melee range is super important during meta's immolation aura, otherwise don't force it by using fel flames and stuff like that which you could be spending on more important casts.
4)Use your fillers, hog/(moltencore)incinerate/(decimation)soulfire/shadowbolt in that priority order
You'll have hard time beating your destrolock guildm8 in most encounters, it is easier to pull big numbers as destro but i'm sure he is not playing even close to perfectly and you can improve yourself enough to get past him. The most important thing you definitely want to practise is multidotting, you can achieve a great deal of dps when you're grasping that properly. Go beat 2 or 3 target dummies and try to keep all 3 dots up with 100% uptime, start adding proper fillers and cooldowns when dot practice seems too easy.
About that pet swapping thingy you're doing. Fel guard is piece of crap compared to succubus in single target dps, you want to use it only during pull for fel storm and demon soul and swap back to succubus for the rest of the fight. Obviously this is not written to stone, you can switch back to felguard for aoe or if you have ds ready and the boss is going to live for like 30 seconds or less.
I'm not going to help you with gear and gemming. But as a thumb rule socket +40 int on everything if you're unsure, gemming is probably the most trivial dps gain you can get and you shouldn't bother your head with it too much. But if you really want to, the best way to know is to download a spreadsheet like simcraft and simulate your characters stat weights and do some calculations from the results. It is easier than what it sounds. The stat weights are generally Int > Hit untill cap > Haste > Mastery > Crit
Mastery is better than Haste after 1993 haste rating.
It really covers most of the basics. There is really no strict rotation, you follow a priority list with spells you want to use.
1)Use your cooldown abilities, meta, demon soul and pet skills
2)Keep your dots running, on multiple targets if possible(use boa too if you're already having bod up on something)
3)Use shadowflame and immolation aura if you're in melee, try running closer during global cooldowns and use demon leap for final 10 yards if you aren't there already. Staying in melee range is super important during meta's immolation aura, otherwise don't force it by using fel flames and stuff like that which you could be spending on more important casts.
4)Use your fillers, hog/(moltencore)incinerate/(decimation)soulfire/shadowbolt in that priority order
You'll have hard time beating your destrolock guildm8 in most encounters, it is easier to pull big numbers as destro but i'm sure he is not playing even close to perfectly and you can improve yourself enough to get past him. The most important thing you definitely want to practise is multidotting, you can achieve a great deal of dps when you're grasping that properly. Go beat 2 or 3 target dummies and try to keep all 3 dots up with 100% uptime, start adding proper fillers and cooldowns when dot practice seems too easy.
About that pet swapping thingy you're doing. Fel guard is piece of crap compared to succubus in single target dps, you want to use it only during pull for fel storm and demon soul and swap back to succubus for the rest of the fight. Obviously this is not written to stone, you can switch back to felguard for aoe or if you have ds ready and the boss is going to live for like 30 seconds or less.
I'm not going to help you with gear and gemming. But as a thumb rule socket +40 int on everything if you're unsure, gemming is probably the most trivial dps gain you can get and you shouldn't bother your head with it too much. But if you really want to, the best way to know is to download a spreadsheet like simcraft and simulate your characters stat weights and do some calculations from the results. It is easier than what it sounds. The stat weights are generally Int > Hit untill cap > Haste > Mastery > Crit
Mastery is better than Haste after 1993 haste rating.
Goddamn, this fissure skill is inaccurate.
Re: australian demo lok seeking guidance
- Posts: 2
TYVM jubeto, i really do apreciate the help mate. your a great role model for all aspiring demo loks. Congratulations on all world first kills and so on. If u ever come to australia , its a beautiful place, and are welcome here. Good luck guys and girls.
Re: australian demo lok seeking guidance
- Posts: 4
"atm im doing a dismall 18-20k dps on most bosses except maloriak which i do much more due to adds in green phase"
- tbh that is decent enough considering your current gear
-try and get ur 1993 haste rating treshold - it will help you incredibly alot during fights wich alow multi targeting( practice that alot as Master J said already )
-don't get dissapointed about your dps compared to a better talent tree of your class , that's just normal to happen on a fight of wich mechanics won't allow u to surpass a destro lock
-try and time your DS and Meta as much as you can
-gem pure intelect unless the bonus is 20 int .
- tbh that is decent enough considering your current gear
-try and get ur 1993 haste rating treshold - it will help you incredibly alot during fights wich alow multi targeting( practice that alot as Master J said already )
-don't get dissapointed about your dps compared to a better talent tree of your class , that's just normal to happen on a fight of wich mechanics won't allow u to surpass a destro lock
-try and time your DS and Meta as much as you can
-gem pure intelect unless the bonus is 20 int .
4 posts -