Hello Lazeil, I'm Maven, Prot Paladin from Sanguino-EU and I'd like to know if you can answer me a few questions I've about Sinestra's Whelps tanking.
We're working on her and have a few trys at 4% so she'll be dead this week but most of the wipes was because I died on the whelps.
We do it like this, I take 10 whelps and as soon as the 2nd wave is on me the Demo locks and the Boomkins start Aoeing them down, the die creating a single pool and then I go back to melee to finish them off.
My problem is when the whelps are dying and I've around 60ish stacks I usually die, sometimes my healer was running with orbs or I got wrack so it's understandable but some wipes where just Whelps and Breath damage.
I'm timing my cooldowns well (I think so) not popping anything in the first two breath, and start doing DP - TB Trinket - Major Cooldown rotation so I've CDs for every breath, usually my GoAK is popped in the breath when the whelps are dying but I die as soon as it falls off, asked for PS and GS but whatever.
I think the problem should be or in my gear which is good but not THAT good (bad luck on drops is bad) or in the healing which is low, the healers are pretty good but when I take the whelps out I outrange all of them but my dedicated pally who is following me, can the problem be that one healer isn't just enough and I need more dedicated healers for the burst phase?
Also I'd like to say that I don't stand in pulls, eat slicers and shit, so that's not the problem.
Thanks in advance :)
My armory if you want to check out something.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... ven/simple
Re: @Lazeil
- Posts: 123
We don't have two whelp waves up at the same time in P3 except at the end when we aren't killing them anymore. At that point I probably have cooldowns left and I'm in range for every healer. We kill 5 whelps with prot pala + demo lock + dk before the next wave spawns. The whelps aren't killed on the same spot so we don't get respawns. So I can't really help as I don't know how that two wave aoe strat works. I guess possible solutions are tank switching and/or some other cooldown rotation (divine shield timing is the most important) and better healer communication.
If you are getting multiple low percent wipes you might just want to roll the dice and continue what you are doing. You're so close that the boss will die with that strat at some point.
If you are getting multiple low percent wipes you might just want to roll the dice and continue what you are doing. You're so close that the boss will die with that strat at some point.
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