Hello, I'm a restoration shaman in our raids. I was just wondering if u have or could post your healing meters from ICC normal fights online so i could see how ur shaman is doing compared to others.
Me myself I'm usually 2nd , 3rd or 4th in healing on bosses. In our meters druid is usually topping the meters, and i would just like to know should i be competing with him in healing/HPS.
Thanks for answers beforehand
[email protected]@Outland-EU
Question to healers(kahva)
Question to healers(kahva)
- Posts: 2
Re: Question to healers(kahva)
- Posts: 123
Some of our normal mode stats can be found here. Pretty much every raid there has alts mixed in and only 10-12 mains so raid performance isn't that great :)
HPS meters aren't a good way of measuring who is healing better. The ones healing tanks will always have less hps compared to the ones randomly spamming / sniping heals for example.
HPS meters aren't a good way of measuring who is healing better. The ones healing tanks will always have less hps compared to the ones randomly spamming / sniping heals for example.
2 posts -