Hi folks,
we are a 10 man raid guild with 5/12 HM and we are currently discussing if everybody should farm the trinket or not.
It is definitely usefull in some fights but the question is if those who do not need mastery, especially healers, should also wear this trinket.
the opinions differ and i wanted to gather some other professional opinions.
Mirror of Broken Images - usefull or not?
Re: Mirror of Broken Images - usefull or not?
- Posts: 14
this is not so much a simple mastery question but or of mastery > primary stat question.
in the case of most dps it may have use, also for tanks it defiantly has a use, but is it a best in slot item, perhaps, if you a tank, in the case of most dps i would say no, and i dont know of any healer class where mastery and a cd effect such as this would be better then say int and a better use/proc, or spirit and a nice use/proc.
in the case of most dps it may have use, also for tanks it defiantly has a use, but is it a best in slot item, perhaps, if you a tank, in the case of most dps i would say no, and i dont know of any healer class where mastery and a cd effect such as this would be better then say int and a better use/proc, or spirit and a nice use/proc.
Re: Mirror of Broken Images - usefull or not?
- Posts: 201
It currently has quite limited uses for DPS and healers in my opinion. I didn't have the trinket on our first Valiona kill but I did use it on subsequent kills when I was killing twilight sentries. But that fight has been changed and you are probably better off using your normal trinkets now. But I think it's the kind of item that you should have if you are serious about raiding in case it does become useful later during the expansion.
It can be pretty amazing for tankadins though.
It can be pretty amazing for tankadins though.
Re: Mirror of Broken Images - usefull or not?
- Posts: 14
im actually seeing quite a few tanks picking it up as a situational option. i think for dks its quite nice. effective health at lower tier content dont seem to much of an issue and an op blood shield seems to be the way to go. im no dk expert, but its working for me so far on my dk when hes blood.
there are a few limited places it can have a benefit though as far as dps are concerned that occurred to. for example, whilst taking off a trinket to put this on for baradins hold is at first glance stupid, it would allow you to dps through fire a bit with a cd. and in a low gear pug that could make the difference, theres a few others but i wont go to into that. if you got nothing else to spend your tokens on and this kind of thing seems like an option youd like to have in your bag of tricks go for it. other then that i think only tanks should be making sure they have it as an option.
and yes it is ofc pro for tankadins, so much use, chimearon im not sure but proc it for feud anyway ( never really looked to much into this ability, all i know is hug if you aint tanking, and pop a cd if you tanking to help healers and frankyl as a non leader its all i need to know really :P), just for shits and giggles, baradins hold, maloriak every second fire breath thing, etc etc etc, the list goes on.
there are a few limited places it can have a benefit though as far as dps are concerned that occurred to. for example, whilst taking off a trinket to put this on for baradins hold is at first glance stupid, it would allow you to dps through fire a bit with a cd. and in a low gear pug that could make the difference, theres a few others but i wont go to into that. if you got nothing else to spend your tokens on and this kind of thing seems like an option youd like to have in your bag of tricks go for it. other then that i think only tanks should be making sure they have it as an option.
and yes it is ofc pro for tankadins, so much use, chimearon im not sure but proc it for feud anyway ( never really looked to much into this ability, all i know is hug if you aint tanking, and pop a cd if you tanking to help healers and frankyl as a non leader its all i need to know really :P), just for shits and giggles, baradins hold, maloriak every second fire breath thing, etc etc etc, the list goes on.
4 posts -