Hi guys , I play a destruction warlock i have problem with my dps , at council im at 18k and Omnotron 26K and magmaw 26k , our Moonkin is owning us all , My items are good but not that much ! any help and suggestions plz ? also i can't get over 17K with affliction spec its just freakin low for me i don't understand , I need the best open and Suggestions to my char
Armory : http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... bul/simple
- Posts: 7
Re: @Manni,@Diviil,@jubeto
- Posts: 7
Hermanni wrote:I don't see a point in helping you out if you're not going to take heed, I've told you your gems are wrong twice now and you're still doing it wrong.
Lol ! i got too many items i was confused with gems look at my hit and now im gonna Do what you tell me to do.
Re: @Manni,@Diviil,@jubeto
- Posts: 7
Hermanni wrote:
stare at this image for 5 minutes and you won't go wrong again
ddnt get it :s im eu player plz explain me
Re: @Manni,@Diviil,@jubeto
- Posts: 357
They are EU players too, you know.
<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs
Re: @Manni,@Diviil,@jubeto
- Posts: 7
Niroth wrote:They are EU players too, you know.
But im on a EU FRENCH :) manni i changed gems / retouched things (i looted items tonight can u tell me now )
Re: @Manni,@Diviil,@jubeto
- Posts: 317
ircien wrote:Niroth wrote:They are EU players too, you know.
But im on a EU FRENCH :) manni i changed gems / retouched things (i looted items tonight can u tell me now )
they are "facteurs d'échelle" (google translate)
Re: @Manni,@Diviil,@jubeto
- Posts: 357
If you are on a EU French realm and suck at English, then go to http://www.wraith-guild.net/ and ask them in French. They are the best French guild and Top 15 in the world.
<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs
10 posts -