Hi all,
Since cencure is >9% damage on a single target fight I have been playing with the idea of focus macro Judgements for maintaining censure on a secondary target (on fights where it is possible). I have seen this idea thrown around on Elitist Jerks but not much on if it is a decent dps increase.
Any experiance on this?
Focus macro for double Censure
Focus macro for double Censure
- Posts: 4
Re: Focus macro for double Censure
- Posts: 118
I haven't thought about anything like this before and don't really know if it would be an increase or not. You have to make your priority little worse by pressing judgement every 15sec so your secondary censure doesn't drop, be sure that you can hit your judgement every time (range), possible debuffs missing on the secondary target, is your secondary censure damage meaningful or just for the damage meters? Haven't done the math but doesn't sound to be worth of all the hassle and there isn't really many fights where you could utilize this.
Re: Focus macro for double Censure
- Posts: 4
Thank you for you answer. I guess this could be a marginal increase on a few fights and are going to try it to evaluate if it's worth it.
The basic idea would be moving Judgement damage from current target to focus target. That would transfer ~4,5% damage from one target to another but instead gain 7-8% extra damage during the period where you maintain double censure. You should not need to change priority in the rotation by just sending one spell to another target.
I did some testings on a few dolls in SW yesterday. It does seem to work fine and the nice thing with doing it on Judgements are that you don't have to worry about being faced the right way. As you say range could be a problem and also during AW/Zealotry you don't get many Judgements.
Due to this I did the same macro for Exo also to use it on the secondary target if needed and only when it proccs.
Fights where it comes into use are for example Halfus (focus Halfus to keep it up on him while nuking drakes), Maloriak (Unfortnually I have to nuke adds due to poor AOE in guild and with Malorak as focus I don't drop Censure on him), Valiona & Brother (Keep the dragon who is airborne on focus and use Exo proccs on him for maintaining double Censures), Council (keep it up on both active bosses in phase 1 and 2). I might have missed some boss here.
BTW, Iiris keep up the good work! It's good to have a world class Retri that is active in the community!
The basic idea would be moving Judgement damage from current target to focus target. That would transfer ~4,5% damage from one target to another but instead gain 7-8% extra damage during the period where you maintain double censure. You should not need to change priority in the rotation by just sending one spell to another target.
I did some testings on a few dolls in SW yesterday. It does seem to work fine and the nice thing with doing it on Judgements are that you don't have to worry about being faced the right way. As you say range could be a problem and also during AW/Zealotry you don't get many Judgements.
Due to this I did the same macro for Exo also to use it on the secondary target if needed and only when it proccs.
Fights where it comes into use are for example Halfus (focus Halfus to keep it up on him while nuking drakes), Maloriak (Unfortnually I have to nuke adds due to poor AOE in guild and with Malorak as focus I don't drop Censure on him), Valiona & Brother (Keep the dragon who is airborne on focus and use Exo proccs on him for maintaining double Censures), Council (keep it up on both active bosses in phase 1 and 2). I might have missed some boss here.
BTW, Iiris keep up the good work! It's good to have a world class Retri that is active in the community!
Re: Focus macro for double Censure
- Posts: 4
After som testing tonight you can see the difference on the dummies. Of course this is on a Patchwork fight (dummies in SW) with a static secondary target.
4 posts -