What states are most important to me? and the peaks

What states are most important to me? and the peaks

Post 13 Mar 2011 01:37

Avatar Rhasta
Posts: 3

I'd like to ask what I should prioritize the resto shaman if it's a crit or haste or master, and cap. thanks

Re: What states are most important to me? and the peaks

Post 13 Mar 2011 10:28

User avatarKyy
Posts: 158
try to get 916 haste to start with (around 800 if you're goblin) to reach 7.4% haste which gives you extra tick for earthliving and rip tide hot. After that it's pretty much only about your raid size, your role in raid and personal taste. For 10man raiding it's mostly choice between mastery and crit and for 25man mastery and haste. Personally I prefer haste atm but that might chance after 4.1 and specially in next raid tier.

So as I've been saying for few other asking the same. Try things out and see what works best with your guilds healing setup. Healing isn't that "stat dependent" as dps so there isn't always single best stat to stack

Hating with passion

Re: What states are most important to me? and the peaks

Post 13 Mar 2011 12:23

Avatar Rhasta
Posts: 3
My friend advised me that I should give priority to crit than my masters because he will return in mana Healing Wave. and I would like to ask if I had to use healing surge in Raids I mainly use Healing Wave when it comes to uskych and Greater Healing Wave (+ Earth Shield, Riptide). Thank you for your reply