So, I've been playing disc now for qutie a while but i've only recently come back into raiding and my guild are on 4/13hc 10man.
I feel like when there's not a lot of damage going on i'm just smiting even past my 5 stacks of evangilsm, and when there is raid damange im using archangel and PoH spamming.... I find it very rare now that i actually shield spam because rapture will only provide me with rougly 9k mana whereas shielding will cost me roughly 25k.
Is it better to play with inner will when you know incoming raid damange is about to happen and shield spam with PI? or just use archangel and poh spam people up. Also is it worth greater healing to reduce the CD of innerfocus?
Re: Disc??
- Posts: 390
Your observations concern ten-man encounters, regarding which I would like to remind that since Cataclysm beta I've not so much as seen a ten-man boss on Normal, let alone taken one down on Heroic. There's very little any of us are going to be able to tell you about encounter flow that won't be blatantly obvious in ten seconds of actually playing the game.
Re: Disc??
- Posts: 5
I'm raiding 10 man currently at 8/13 hc and in the vast majority of fights i do very little but spam shields.
Knowledge of the fight is very important as disc (even more so than for other healers), whenever you're sure raid members will be taking damage within 30 sec shielding is probably your answer, if not switch to Inner fire and cast Gheal/Smite/PoH as is due to the current situation.
Knowledge of the fight is very important as disc (even more so than for other healers), whenever you're sure raid members will be taking damage within 30 sec shielding is probably your answer, if not switch to Inner fire and cast Gheal/Smite/PoH as is due to the current situation.
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