Dragonheart Piercer vs Themios the Darkbringer
Dragonheart Piercer vs Themios the Darkbringer
- Posts: 5
Hi hunters from paragon, i recently obtained both of these ¨Epic¨ Cataclysm weapons, Themios the Darkbringer and Dragonheart Piercer. and i wonder who will give the best dps. hope you will reply soon. :-)
Re: Dragonheart Piercer vs Themios the Darkbringer
- Posts: 473
All hunter abilities are "supposedly" (some anecdotal evidence seems to hint that this might not actually be the case, but I've never bothered to verify that properly as it takes considerable amount of time and effort) normalized so the only difference is the secodary stats and possibly interaction with Wild Quiver for MM hunters.
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