Re: Opener
- Posts: 6
Meta->Immo->BoD->Corr->HoG->SB spam, would this be the correct follow-up? I'm not sure about HoG. I take it the only reason why it's prioritized above BoD & Corr is because it refreshes Immo, but Immo isn't in need of being refreshed right after it being casted, so wouldn't it be better to get all your dots up first then HoG?
Re: Opener
- Posts: 27
- Location: US-Azralon
I'm reviving this thread since I would like to know some more detailed thoughts about the application of the 5% spell crit debuff:
1 - Last time I checked, the spell crit debuff was one of the only ones in game that wasn't checked per DoT tick, but rather it was calculated when the DoT landed and persisted for its whole duration. If this is still true, should I delay casting my DoTs on the opening sequence until my SB reaches the target, specially BoD? (Immolate being an exception for Demo and Corr for Aff, since they are readily refreshed by HoG/Haunt).
2 - For Destruction, would it be better to precast Soul Fire or Incinerate before the pull?
3 - In fights where the boss cleans all his debuffs at some point (like Raganaros) or if the debuff falls for any reason, should I prioritize reapplying it over everything else, even mid battle? If not over everything else, over what exactly for each spec?
I believe the answers for 2 and 3 depend a lot on the raid setup, i.e. the amount of caster DPS in your raid. In my case, it's just me and an arcane mage in a 10-man raid (plus occasionally a Boomkin) and I'm the only one providing the spell crit debuff. I also understand this helps non-casters as well, since all DPS have some kind of spell damage except warriors and maybe feral druids.
I would additionally like to know what the answers would be from a strictly personal DPS viewpoint, just as curiosity and for solo scenarios.
If I knew how to sim those specific scenarios, I honestly would... If you would be so kind as to explain to me how to do it (what action list lines), it would be even more appreciated than to just give the answers. =)
Thank you very much in advance!
1 - Last time I checked, the spell crit debuff was one of the only ones in game that wasn't checked per DoT tick, but rather it was calculated when the DoT landed and persisted for its whole duration. If this is still true, should I delay casting my DoTs on the opening sequence until my SB reaches the target, specially BoD? (Immolate being an exception for Demo and Corr for Aff, since they are readily refreshed by HoG/Haunt).
2 - For Destruction, would it be better to precast Soul Fire or Incinerate before the pull?
3 - In fights where the boss cleans all his debuffs at some point (like Raganaros) or if the debuff falls for any reason, should I prioritize reapplying it over everything else, even mid battle? If not over everything else, over what exactly for each spec?
I believe the answers for 2 and 3 depend a lot on the raid setup, i.e. the amount of caster DPS in your raid. In my case, it's just me and an arcane mage in a 10-man raid (plus occasionally a Boomkin) and I'm the only one providing the spell crit debuff. I also understand this helps non-casters as well, since all DPS have some kind of spell damage except warriors and maybe feral druids.
I would additionally like to know what the answers would be from a strictly personal DPS viewpoint, just as curiosity and for solo scenarios.
If I knew how to sim those specific scenarios, I honestly would... If you would be so kind as to explain to me how to do it (what action list lines), it would be even more appreciated than to just give the answers. =)
Thank you very much in advance!
4 posts -