Hey Paragon :D
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/e ... ine/simple
I've been running Unholy spec all of Cata and I was really wondering if I should be doing better then what I'm pulling (I'm aware Unholy DK's just got nerfed...even though I look at it as more of a buff[-ish?]). I see that a member of the Paragon runs it, Mancheese, but I just can't seem to be keeping up in DPS. I'm not geared into any raiding gear, so that could be why too? (346lvl with DPS) [Pulling about 12k DPS solid] I know some specs are more gear sensitive then others.
I'm running UP and using what I'd think would be a solid rotation. (Outbreak, FS, FS, SS, SS, DCdump; SSx6 DCdump/ Dark Transformation when it's up. Then repeat. Adding in DC procs.)
[^I might be over thinking the power of the Unholy Mastery.]
I've been reforging/gearing for Hit(UntilCap)>Mastery>Haste>Critical>Expertise. I'm not sure if that's really the correct importance order, thus why I'm here.
If you could place any comments or suggestions with my rotation, spec, importance order, chants, etc. that'd be great (:
And sorry if this is is already addressed on a different forum, I couldn't find it then D: Thanks! ^-^
Unholy 2H DPS. Haste/Crit/Mastery?
Re: Unholy 2H DPS. Haste/Crit/Mastery?
- Posts: 3
Sorry D: I didn't place this in the DK Help area. And Idk how to delete this post >_> sorry Paragon
Re: Unholy 2H DPS. Haste/Crit/Mastery?
- Posts: 14
I've also been working on my DK as well.
http://elitistjerks.com/f72/t110294-unh ... ing_frame/
I've been gearing myself according to this and was able to pull 19.4k DPS in Baradin Hold 25M with 351 gear lvl. (It was somewhere around 15k before I read EJ). Hoep this does help you^^
http://elitistjerks.com/f72/t110294-unh ... ing_frame/
I've been gearing myself according to this and was able to pull 19.4k DPS in Baradin Hold 25M with 351 gear lvl. (It was somewhere around 15k before I read EJ). Hoep this does help you^^
3 posts -