Seems like this ui made quite an impact for lots of people, thus i decided to make a new post and gather all the info here.
So first of all this is Tukui modified by Elv22, there is a ingame configuration to make it easier.
What is ElvUI?
ElvUI is an extreme light-weight user interface for World of Warcraft dedicated to replace the one provided by Blizzard.
A single addon, complete package, minimalistic look, pixel perfect, fit automatically to your resolution and uses approx 1mb memory according to your settings.
How do I Configure it?
Type /ec in-game to open the in-game config (By Tohveli)
All credits goes to Tukz and Elv
This is the current state of my ui

The image is out dated, but im still using ElvUI
Click the image to see it full size
Most of the stuff you see here is included in ElvUI or is skinned by ElvUI
You can find ElvUI here:
additional addons:
Skada - Combat analyze addon
BigWigs - Bossmods
Weakauras2 - Tracking buffs and debuffs
ExtraCD Tracking your internal CD's and internal CD's for your trinkets.