I play a healing priest on the Frostwhisper sever. Been playing a priest since 2005.
Had a bit of a late start in Cata and just really getting in to healing the raid content atm with an ilvl of 350.
Last nights raid we we're doing the Acending Council fight, or well atleast trying it. We're doing it in 10-man and I was set to heal the raid. We had another holy priest on one of the MT's and then a resto shaman on the other MT.
After half the raidtime has gone i get told in the healing channel basically that I don't know what I am doing basically as I'm not using a renew on both the tanks at all time.
And then also getting told off that I shouldn't use the FH for the serendipity to get a nice haste PoH off when the Aegis shield comes up, as they thought I used to much mana that way.
I was trying to explain myself to them that when I raidheal I normally don't use the renew other than when anyone in the raid get a debuff that will create dmg. And that for me to keep a renew on both tanks at all time will be to manacostly for me as I am healing the rest of the raid aswell. On a sidenote I was also using Chakra: Sanctuary (not the word though).
I also told them that I use my PoM every cooldown on either of the tanks and was also doing a GH when needed.
Now can you pls tell me if I am right or wrong with this as the discussion atm just getting worse.
P.s I specced Disc today to try that instead and see if I can do even better, still like a reply though so maybe we can settle this discussion in the guild. D.s
Kind Regards
A little help pls?
A little help pls?
- Posts: 6
Re: A little help pls?
- Posts: 68
I recommend playing with discipline. It has really awesome skills for a 10 man raid comp. And atleast in 25 man raids, using renew on tanks is a total waste of mana. BUT if your mana pool can support it and there really really really isnt a more useful spell to cast at that point in time, then sure you can throw some renews :)
Re: A little help pls?
- Posts: 6
Thanks for the answer, that will settle the discussion i hope :)
Well I am trying atm to get adjusted to the Disc sprecc overall, always played holy so I guess it is a bit getting used to.
Just trying to get a good rotation going atm, lots of new shiny buttons to press.
Finding it a bit hard to get evangelism going though, maybe that is more for the 25-man?? At least for now as dmg is quite high and I can't seem to find the right time and place to get 5 smite off. Or is it just a thing to try over and over again until I am used to it??
Well I am trying atm to get adjusted to the Disc sprecc overall, always played holy so I guess it is a bit getting used to.
Just trying to get a good rotation going atm, lots of new shiny buttons to press.
Finding it a bit hard to get evangelism going though, maybe that is more for the 25-man?? At least for now as dmg is quite high and I can't seem to find the right time and place to get 5 smite off. Or is it just a thing to try over and over again until I am used to it??
Re: A little help pls?
- Posts: 1
I've found the disc to be pretty viable healer in 10man normals and while we keep progressing the heroic modes it's getting more essential part of our 3 healers setup.
For now, the way I heal is pretty much maintaining my cooldowns to prevent the tank from dying and maximizing the hps with PoH. Tank healing is pretty much healing through atonement, keeping full stacks of grace via penance and throwing PoM via tank. Occasionally G/Fheal save the day but if there occurs a problem with healing in our raid, it's not the tank who has to worry about it. Rotation of the cooldowns of tanks and healers keep the tanks alive.
Correct me if I am wrong, but the type of raid damage in this tier can be compared to one in Ulduar back in Wotlk. It's more like a spike damage rather than a constant damage (BQL,Sindra,twin valkyrs). For me it means that I save my full stacks of Archangel,PI,IF and especially Barrier for the moments when raid needs to get topped up. PW:S is nothing but a mana CD until wednesday and I've been only trying to maximize the amount of mana returned via rapture. Speaking of mana, shadowfiend during volcano+powertorrent deepens my dimples.
I am expecting to see the disc priest back in the role we had in ICC; trying to prevent as much as dmg and occasionally supporting the other healers if they seem to have hard time to keep the raid alive. Due to PW:S buff in 4.0.6 I can personally see that an ingenious disc priest, by knowing the encounters and players he/she plays with, could partly fulfill that role. Blanketing the raid with shields won't be possible due to mana but few good shields could redraw the border between being dead or alive.
As for the gear, I plan to stack mastery as disc, reforging Crit/Haste to mastery and trying to get mainly spi/mast pieces. Seeing that works, I will begin to use Soul Casket alongside volcano to get one more extra CD. It'll prolly require some math, but just right now I cannot see a single reason why we wouldn't concentrate on mastery after the patch.
I'd like to hear what kind of modifications the community of the priest in these forums, especially Zhinn/Jhaz/Xeno will do in the almighty 4.0.6!
For now, the way I heal is pretty much maintaining my cooldowns to prevent the tank from dying and maximizing the hps with PoH. Tank healing is pretty much healing through atonement, keeping full stacks of grace via penance and throwing PoM via tank. Occasionally G/Fheal save the day but if there occurs a problem with healing in our raid, it's not the tank who has to worry about it. Rotation of the cooldowns of tanks and healers keep the tanks alive.
Correct me if I am wrong, but the type of raid damage in this tier can be compared to one in Ulduar back in Wotlk. It's more like a spike damage rather than a constant damage (BQL,Sindra,twin valkyrs). For me it means that I save my full stacks of Archangel,PI,IF and especially Barrier for the moments when raid needs to get topped up. PW:S is nothing but a mana CD until wednesday and I've been only trying to maximize the amount of mana returned via rapture. Speaking of mana, shadowfiend during volcano+powertorrent deepens my dimples.
I am expecting to see the disc priest back in the role we had in ICC; trying to prevent as much as dmg and occasionally supporting the other healers if they seem to have hard time to keep the raid alive. Due to PW:S buff in 4.0.6 I can personally see that an ingenious disc priest, by knowing the encounters and players he/she plays with, could partly fulfill that role. Blanketing the raid with shields won't be possible due to mana but few good shields could redraw the border between being dead or alive.
As for the gear, I plan to stack mastery as disc, reforging Crit/Haste to mastery and trying to get mainly spi/mast pieces. Seeing that works, I will begin to use Soul Casket alongside volcano to get one more extra CD. It'll prolly require some math, but just right now I cannot see a single reason why we wouldn't concentrate on mastery after the patch.
I'd like to hear what kind of modifications the community of the priest in these forums, especially Zhinn/Jhaz/Xeno will do in the almighty 4.0.6!
Re: A little help pls?
- Posts: 6
I have now been trying Disc for two raids. And I love it tbh. I have increased my healing with about 3k so yeah I am well happy about it.
But have a question, how the heck do you manage to get healing by atonement when you're healing the MT??
As I said we are on the council fight and I have for the last two nights been healing MT who's tanking Ignatious from start. And during the first phase I have to spam him with PW:S, Penance, followed by 2 GH. To heal him trough atonement would just not be sufficient enough and I would loose him. During Aegis I have to help out on raid with PoM and PoH and using PW:B whenever it is available.
In p2 however I manage to get in archangel maybe once or twice and then as for p3 I am just spamming the PoH as hell.
I know we're ain't the best geared yet, but if someone can point me in the right direction, pls help me sort out my rotation so that I can get even more out of my healing.
But have a question, how the heck do you manage to get healing by atonement when you're healing the MT??
As I said we are on the council fight and I have for the last two nights been healing MT who's tanking Ignatious from start. And during the first phase I have to spam him with PW:S, Penance, followed by 2 GH. To heal him trough atonement would just not be sufficient enough and I would loose him. During Aegis I have to help out on raid with PoM and PoH and using PW:B whenever it is available.
In p2 however I manage to get in archangel maybe once or twice and then as for p3 I am just spamming the PoH as hell.
I know we're ain't the best geared yet, but if someone can point me in the right direction, pls help me sort out my rotation so that I can get even more out of my healing.
Re: A little help pls?
- Posts: 390
Eiram wrote:To heal him trough atonement would just not be sufficient enough and I would loose him.
You only need to fit in five Smites between each Archangel cycle. PW:S, Penance and Greater Heal take good care of him for the remainder.
7 posts -