Ret paladins rotation & related

Ret paladins rotation & related

Post 26 Dec 2010 00:16

Avatar BlackOUT
Posts: 3
Location: Russia
So, now we all have Inq in our spellbook, and some nice (and not) changes in our dps abilities. I think, that for now our rotation (or maybe priorities) are: Inq > TW(3hp) > CS > Exo > HoW > J > HW > Con. Also personally I use burst macro:
Code: Select all
#showtooltip Zealotry
/cast Avenging Wrath
/cast Zealotry

AW doesn't trigger gkd, so they both are used, and moreover its rather convinient, because they have same cd time.
Is this a good idea to use this macro? Or maybe I should use this two abilities separately?
About dps cycle: as I understand I should keep Inq always on, and spam 3hp TW, am I? And one more issue: when HoW becomes available I fairly often do not have time to plug it in my rotation, so should I just forget about it?
The last thing is: I think, that it would be good to use +mastery trinkets with that macro, isn't it? Or they are worthless?

To Iiris: can you give some advice about Zin'rokh acquiring?

Re: Ret paladins rotation & related

Post 15 Jan 2011 05:46

Avatar PallyPower
Posts: 8
I use a similar Macro, and have found it extremely useful. here is a look at mine.
Code: Select all
/cast avenging wrath
/cast guardian of ancient kings
/use golemblood potion
/use Impatience of youth

Although I use Hellscream reach reach str trinket in this I wuoldnt suggest using a mastery trinket in this macro, because mastery procs are somewhat useless in a period of time in which you can spam HoW CS and 3HP TV, but thats just my opinion.

Re: Ret paladins rotation & related

Post 01 Feb 2011 16:12

Avatar valafard
Posts: 1
i use a very similar macro but with a few diferences

Code: Select all
/cast inquisition
/cast guardian of ancient kings
/cast avenging wrath

i cast the AW the last because i try to use HoW four times and inquisition to be sure that i have it up

and apologize my poor english

Re: Ret paladins rotation & related

Post 05 Feb 2011 02:38

Avatar Ratikus
Posts: 1
Cast AW 10 seconds after GoAK so you get full benefits of both spells.

Re: Ret paladins rotation & related

Post 06 Apr 2011 04:10

Avatar Unholymourne
Posts: 5
I've been told that inquisition is the best spell to increase dps in a rotation but seems to me that it doesn't work can anyone help ?

Re: Ret paladins rotation & related

Post 07 Apr 2011 12:50

Avatar Zamien
Posts: 4
/cast inquisition
/cast guardian of ancient kings
/cast avenging wrath

Isn't Inquisition on gcd and due to that should be last in the macro if you don't want to click it several times?

Re: Ret paladins rotation & related

Post 12 Apr 2011 20:43

Avatar Unholymourne
Posts: 5
so what is this supposed to help the macro ill try it,thanks