Holy paladin POJ question

Holy paladin POJ question

Post 04 Feb 2011 04:55

Avatar Duntra
Posts: 4
First of all i can't understand why you guys giveup of the Eternal Glory for POJ, i see my logs and its usually give me back around 9 ~12 HP per fight, i don't even started hardmodes yet, (going for it this week) and don't know if the movimention is too much harder than normal.
I ussualy use a lot of LOD but in fights like cho'gall i'm the guy who goes out of boss with the tank to help with adds and always use WoG there. Or if the ppl don't stack like Maloriak Blue phase too. With the talent i usually won 9~15 HP. witch is alot of HP for a talent i think.
Well, Thanks for reading this and for response.

Re: Holy paladin POJ question

Post 04 Feb 2011 14:35

User avatarDiamondTear
Posts: 317
When fighting the hardest bosses, I don't get to use WoG because LoD is needed. I used to have the talent because it's useful for some other bosses, but since I'm not respeccing for a specific boss anymore, I decided that since I don't want it for the hardest ones, I wouldn't have it in my spec. It is still a useful talent and if you're trying to kill a new boss, it might be a good idea to respec for that boss.