Warlock discussion

Re: Warlock discussion

Post 28 Mar 2010 19:18

Avatar Diivil
Posts: 201
gnarwhale01 wrote:Thanks for the quick reply.

One more thing, Is destruction close enough to the DPS of Affliction to still be viable? Im sure it depends on the fight, but im not someone who (at the moment) will be changing specs depending on the fight, so will my DPS really fall that far behind the other warlocks if I play Destruction?

It really depends on what level of skill you and your guild plays on. Theorically affliction does higher DPS with ICC gear but is also harder to play. According to simulationcraft, destro DPS is actually slightly higher than affliction on ToC level gear so in the end it doesn't matter much. Go destro if you like it, you won't be in much of a disadvantage at all.

Re: Warlock discussion

Post 29 Mar 2010 05:59

Avatar Tyrànnìus
Posts: 3
Hey, i wonder glyph of corruption OR Glyph of life tap, if i got around 500-600 spirit (raidbuffed). What is best then? Please respond =) <3

Re: Warlock discussion

Post 30 Mar 2010 21:10

Avatar Methens
Posts: 3
Hi Diivil, Gratz on your LK Heroic kill!
I have a few questions that I would like to see if you can answer.
I have just until know submerged myself into the world of theory-crafting, I usually just read the EJ threads (also read your Demo guide) to get the basic guidelines and an idea of how to play my class better, but now I find how interesting it all is. I recently downloaded the simcraft app and am learning how to use it but this has brought me to new questions. I read on the main affi thread that the basic stats for early T10 / high end T9 where:
hit rating 2.40,
spell power 1.77,
haste rating 1.95,
crit rating 1.16,
spirit .90 &
int .42.
I understand these have changed? I wish to know how do you find out which are the new ones? Is it with the very simcraft and loading your personal armory profile? If this is so, those results will be based on my own actual gear. This is what I don't understand, if I use those results I obtain and fill them in the GuildOx Loot Rankings web page this will give me the ideal list of BiS gear, but these are different for every person then, right?
How do you guys and the people that post at the simcraft threads (like Madlax, Warlocmotiff) calculate which stats to use when you run the simcrafts that say that this spec ''x'' is number one in DPS at this moment over this spec ''y''. Do you have a global value for theses stats and if so which is the actual value? In other words which stats are the actual valid stats that I enter at the GuildOx web page or any other simulator to get the DPS value of items and hence get a current list of BiS's to pick from what I can obtain at my current raid progression.

Once again I thank you for your time & gl on getting a new wold first when Ruby Sanctum comes out.

Re: Warlock discussion

Post 30 Mar 2010 21:41

Avatar Diivil
Posts: 201
Methens wrote:I understand these have changed? I wish to know how do you find out which are the new ones? Is it with the very simcraft and loading your personal armory profile? If this is so, those results will be based on my own actual gear. This is what I don't understand, if I use those results I obtain and fill them in the GuildOx Loot Rankings web page this will give me the ideal list of BiS gear, but these are different for every person then, right?
How do you guys and the people that post at the simcraft threads (like Madlax, Warlocmotiff) calculate which stats to use when you run the simcrafts that say that this spec ''x'' is number one in DPS at this moment over this spec ''y''. Do you have a global value for theses stats and if so which is the actual value? In other words which stats are the actual valid stats that I enter at the GuildOx web page or any other simulator to get the DPS value of items and hence get a current list of BiS's to pick from what I can obtain at my current raid progression.

Options / scaling in simulationcraft. You should recalculate the scaling factors every time you pick up a new item. Mostly I use them to compare what item is the biggest upgrade at the time and then decide how much DKP I'm willing to pay..

If I want to compare between 2 sets where multiple items are different, I just plug them both to simulationcraft and compare DPS.

I don't care about any BIS lists when raiding for progress. I try to get items that are very good, or simply good but what I can take without paying too much DKP. For example I'm using a hit ring when a spirit ring is probably in every demo BIS list. Hit ring simply was about 10 times cheaper since less people wanted it.

Re: Warlock discussion

Post 30 Mar 2010 21:42

Avatar Diivil
Posts: 201
Tyrànnìus wrote:Hey, i wonder glyph of corruption OR Glyph of life tap, if i got around 500-600 spirit (raidbuffed). What is best then? Please respond =) <3

You didn't specify a spec but I glyph of corruption shouldn't be used in any case....

Re: Warlock discussion

Post 01 Apr 2010 13:25

Avatar Tyrànnìus
Posts: 3
Allright, thanks!

Re: Warlock discussion

Post 08 Apr 2010 22:17

Avatar skiny
Posts: 3

I'm playing destruction 3/13/55, and I wonder if my minion dies during an encounter, should I waste 8sec tu summon it again ?
Of course if the boss isn't low life.

Additional question, is there any encounter in ICC where you prefer playing affliction instead of destruction ?

Re: Warlock discussion

Post 09 Apr 2010 13:18

Avatar Diivil
Posts: 201
skiny wrote:Hi,

I'm playing destruction 3/13/55, and I wonder if my minion dies during an encounter, should I waste 8sec tu summon it again ?
Of course if the boss isn't low life.

Additional question, is there any encounter in ICC where you prefer playing affliction instead of destruction ?

If you want a definitive answer, play around with simulationcraft. If the fight is really long, then maybe but I have no idea without doing the math.

We have 2 affliction warlocks who prefer affliction in every encounter. But officers want one of them to spec destro for Saurfang to stun the adds. Destro also if there are not enough replenishments in the raid but that never happens in our 25mans.

Re: Warlock discussion

Post 09 Apr 2010 16:09

Avatar skiny
Posts: 3
Okay, thanks.

Re: Warlock discussion

Post 09 Apr 2010 17:36

Avatar KungFoo
Posts: 1
Diivil wrote:Also worth noting is that phylactery seems to proc from hellfire (according to wowhead comments). Everyone can decide if it's a bad thing or not, but you are probably going to use muradin's as your second trinket and you will want to have it fully stacked before combat, that way you can get phylactery too but at the same time you are going to lose time from the proc..

There's a way to get around this by simply not having the phylactery equipped until after you've finished building up your spyglass stacks with hellfire. I use a combo potion/lifetap/trinket equip macro at the last second before combat is initiated:

#showtooltip Phylactery of the Nameless Lich
/use Life Tap(Rank 1)
/equipslot 14 Phylactery of the Nameless Lich
/equipslot 15 Frostbinder's Shredded Cape
/use Potion of Wild Magic
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

You can even cheat a little bit and have another stacking trinket (think eye of the broodmother or iotds) equipped in slot 14 (bottom trinket slot) while you're hellfiring - the stacks won't disappear when the trinket is unequipped, and you'll likely still have the spellpower bonus on your first demonic pact application... just make sure you hit the button BEFORE combat starts or you'll be stuck with what you were wearing before.

This also dodges having to proc Lightweave Embroidery ~44s before combat starts, which cuts down on all the 'oh hey can you guys wait a minute to pull? I need sync all my cooldowns' and keeps everyone else in the raid happier :D
