Could use some quick tips on improving my dps

Could use some quick tips on improving my dps

Post 02 Sep 2010 01:01

Avatar jorel88
Posts: 7
Hello, I am currently running unholy spec. This is my armory ... amueljcksn

(the weapons that are showing up are just temporary. Was trying out frost spec which I am starting to like. For unholy I am using H Bryntoll and H Winding Sheet for my back, everything else is pretty much the same.)

I have been looking at different parses, and other things and I really feel I should be able to pull more dps then I am, but I cannot quite figure out what I am doing wrong. I'm next in line for shadowmourne supposedly after this warrior so I am stuck with what i have now since my guild has not attempted H LK yet. I use the priority system that I have looked at from different sites and-other then some slight lag issues with my comp every now and then-when I am in actual battle, it seems as if my dps begins to dwindle down quite a bit shortly after the start of a fight. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Re: Could use some quick tips on improving my dps

Post 02 Sep 2010 04:20

User avatarzYN
Posts: 405
You do realize you provided no logs whatsoever and pretty much no useful information at all, other than just linking your armory (which really doesn't tell much at all, especially considering you're not wearing any UH gear)?

Really, wth.

Re: Could use some quick tips on improving my dps

Post 02 Sep 2010 07:40

Avatar jorel88
Posts: 7
Well I do apologize, I am new to asking for help with things such as this. I am also new to logs in terms of using them so i hope i don't post the wrong stuff. Normally I will go try to research myself and try to compare and run little tests on sims and the like. This time I thought it would be better to get some info from Dks who really know for the most part what they are doing. I looked on worldoflogs and found our guild, I will post some things from Saurfang that I hope will be helpful. ... 941&e=4135 ... 941&e=4135

I hope thats helpful and if not let me know what else you need. thank you for your time.

Re: Could use some quick tips on improving my dps

Post 02 Sep 2010 08:22

Avatar Farnion
Posts: 92
why do you gem hit?

Re: Could use some quick tips on improving my dps

Post 02 Sep 2010 15:18

Avatar jorel88
Posts: 7
I gem hit cause the polar claw bracers refuse to drop for me in the several times we have run icc. I am trying to be hit capped due to my understanding of hit being the most important thing in a unholy spec and the hit cap being 295 which I am 6 over I believe.

Re: Could use some quick tips on improving my dps

Post 02 Sep 2010 16:56

User avatarzYN
Posts: 405
You're two full percentages over the hit cap, assuming you have a draenei in the party since you play on the alliance side.

I'll probably take a look at the logs at some point, but not now.

Re: Could use some quick tips on improving my dps

Post 02 Sep 2010 19:27

Avatar jorel88
Posts: 7
Well normally they never put me in the same group as the 2 shammies we have so I dont recieve the draenai talent, which is why I have gemmed this way.

Re: Could use some quick tips on improving my dps

Post 02 Sep 2010 19:28

Avatar Farnion
Posts: 92
jorel88 wrote:I gem hit cause the polar claw bracers refuse to drop for me in the several times we have run icc. I am trying to be hit capped due to my understanding of hit being the most important thing in a unholy spec and the hit cap being 295 which I am 6 over I believe.

Yes but the hit cap is at 263 (8%) without draenai and 232(7%) with a draenai

Re: Could use some quick tips on improving my dps

Post 02 Sep 2010 19:35

Avatar jorel88
Posts: 7
I always thought based on the information I looked up before that it was 263 and so for with Draenai talent, but recently I kept seeing several forms and guides that were saying 295 (9%) was the melee hit cap which is why I changed it.I am thankful that that has been cleared up. I will change that immediately.

Re: Could use some quick tips on improving my dps

Post 03 Sep 2010 06:51

Avatar Kruf
Posts: 473
jorel88 wrote:Well normally they never put me in the same group as the 2 shammies we have so I dont recieve the draenai talent, which is why I have gemmed this way.

You can make other classes out of draeneis too... Kinda a waste not to, in fact, since the racial is so incredibly good.