I have a question about Halion 25 HM. We've worked on the fight for two nights now and have been just getting him into P3. (Not amazing, I realize this =P) I seem to be more worried than most people that having 3 healers downstairs isn't going to be enough for the third phase. Right now this is what we have been using:
*Shadow Realm*
Holy pal/Resto Druid/Holy priest/Disc Priest/Resto druid
*Normal Realm*
Holy Pal/ sham/ disc priest
I just feel like it's wrong....any words of wisdom? Their focus right now is how much the tank is getting wrecked during P2 plus the raid damage, hence the amount of healers.
Halion question
Halion question
- Posts: 1
Re: Halion question
- Posts: 88
Quite a bit of tank dmg comes from parry haste if I remember correctly, we made the switch there and as a holy paladin it seems a lot easier, also rotating cd's during cutter. But we use Holy Pally, Holy Priest, Resto Shaman for shadow and Holy Paladin, Resto Shaman, Disc Priest for Fire.
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