A strange question im sure, But I actually think that this buff doesnt work equally for all Classes... I know its 30% more damage but is 30% more damage better for some classes. I.e the way damage multipliers work in the spec and talents...
In icc 25 man with 30% buff I see some classes majorily out dpsing others (all with relative similar gear) yet in halion 25 man all the classes are relatively equal..
ICC buff and its effect on DPS
ICC buff and its effect on DPS
- Posts: 17
Re: ICC buff and its effect on DPS
- Posts: 1
Depends on fight i've found, alot of peeps with less gear out dps me say... on Marrowgar, compared to deathbringer where my dps shines, otherwise, its quite balanced i reckon, and anyone with similar gear with me does on par with me on halion, but its all fight dependant, not on wether the buff works i beleive.
Re: ICC buff and its effect on DPS
- Posts: 10
I think the point he's trying to get across is that some classes seem to be getting further ahead on certain bosses but that has to do with certain classes having advantages on specific bosses due to game/class mechanics so it seems like they're getting more out of the buff and getting further ahead than other classes on said bosses. 30% is always 30%(Except in the US on the beta forums apperantly) but it will seem to be more of a gap when certain classes already have an edge in dps on said boss/bosses.
Re: ICC buff and its effect on DPS
- Posts: 473
The 30% damage buff is for once properly implemented and no abilities seem to be double dipping from it. So no, no one is getting extra benefit from it.
The reason why some classes are pulling further ahead has to do with fights getting shorter more than anything else - some of our kills take just barely over 2 minutes, which means classes with 2min cooldowns can use them twice, but classes with 3min cooldowns can only use them once, which obviously skews the results. Also some fight phases are now very short, so any classes that used to catch up during those won't be able to do it anymore.
The reason why some classes are pulling further ahead has to do with fights getting shorter more than anything else - some of our kills take just barely over 2 minutes, which means classes with 2min cooldowns can use them twice, but classes with 3min cooldowns can only use them once, which obviously skews the results. Also some fight phases are now very short, so any classes that used to catch up during those won't be able to do it anymore.
Re: ICC buff and its effect on DPS
- Posts: 17
Hmm i think the latter could be correct, as fights get shorter and shorter certain classes benefit more, those with more cooldowns benefitting most..
5 posts -