Hello there i just wanted to know do you guys sell Mimirons head (Paragon), hope so XD I made this druid just to get that mount and ofc enjoying this game, i have asked ppl from ally side and horde side but no one of them boost for mimirons head =/ at my server and i rly hope you guys can boost me to get it, just say a price, btw i only want Yogg saron +0 keepers, the rest of the inst or bosses can be normal mode so it goes faster to come to Yogg =)
From Shaktillar
Burning Blade EU.
WTB Mimirons head
WTB Mimirons head
- Posts: 2
Re: WTB Mimirons head
- Posts: 2
Am i going to get any answer or like officer/ GM is offline? so cannot answer my question? =)
Just asking =)
Just asking =)
2 posts -