Greetings from italy

Greetings from italy

Post 05 Jul 2010 23:09

User avatartrueshape
Posts: 1
Hi, my name is Trueshape, a resto druid.
I'm from guild LFO (la fratellanza oscura = the dark brotherhood in english), an italian guild on Runetotem EU (6th of the server according to wowprogress [i don't care much about those sites]).
Our progress on hc25 is 9/12, stucked on Sindragosa.
Tonight we get one of the best try (15% against 10% which was the best) but from 15 sec from the enrage...
My question is...have you some advices to give us in order to improve the general dps on this fight?

Here's a log from the 28th june

Btw is very strange this gap between us and others guild...i mean...we know what and how to do and we have 25% buff...but some dps are really starting thinkink that many ppl don't know enough about them class...this makes me really sad cause we got half raid prepared to every hard encounter and the second half didn't know where they are...