With the NDA lifted, we're free to discuss the Cataclysm alpha/beta (whatever you want to call it). Some of us have been playing it for a while now and we'd be more than happy to share tons of stuff with you. We just don't know where to even begin!
Feel free to ask anything you've been wondering about the expansion at all. We're going to do our best to try and answer.
(Note: Detailed class-related questions will get their own threads shortly. Feel free to post questions about classes too though until they get their own thread; answers to these aren't guaranteed however.)
P.S. We've also got a few REALLY (yes, it really is caps-worthy!) cool things planned out. We'll let you know shortly in the news section! Hell, I'm even excited about it myself. Hopefully (if we can just get it sorted), we'll be including a competition too!
Few screenshots for fun: