GZ @ LK and small question!

GZ @ LK and small question!

Post 03 Mar 2010 12:53

Avatar Sisha
Posts: 3
First off, big grats on killing LK. After reading ur post at front page I started wondering about one thing.

"This encounter had a bug on the spirit phase which we reported 2 weeks ago but it didn't get fixed untill today (the bug made the encounter very hard)."

Should I understand it like the Bug is still there (not fixed still) or after 2 weeks of waiting fix was finally made today? [In short: was the bug present during the kill or it was fixed just before?]

Also, what was exactly bugging during spirit phase?

Would be great to see answers :). Thanks a lot, and big GZ once again. Hope u get 25m kill aswell in no time.

Re: GZ @ LK and small question!

Post 03 Mar 2010 13:56

User avatarxenophics
Posts: 551
We reportd the bug 2 weeks ago and it got fixed for this reset - the bug was not there anymore today.