I'd like to introduce alternative online combatlog parser and get your feedbacks and feature requests. At the moment:
- Parser works correctly with Mists of Pandaria logs - splitting and detecting combats, no need to upload every combat in separate log.
- Parser distinguishes logs from live and beta servers and uses apppropriate spell names and hints.
- Parser is multi-lingual, supports all WoW locales. Support means not just localizaed spell names, but complete: interface, spell names and hints, creatures names. You may browse any log in any language, and only character names will stay original. (Atm. fully translated are English, Russian, Portuguese and Chinise locales, German and Spanish are partially translated, others are still in queue)
- Parser is more flexible with filtering and visualization of the log. You may plot on graph almost everything.
- Originaly based on WoL parser layout.
- All basic analyse functionality is there.
- DPS/HPS ratings are there (works with live logs only).
- Uploading software is .Net 2.0 based, supports uploading and streaming logs in real-time.
- Here is the english main page: http://wowraider.ru/reports/index.cdiml?locale=en
If you want to participate in project as localizer and locale supporter, contact me via Support form (in english or russian please).
Hope you'll like our parser.