Hello , my guild is progressing at spine 10 man hc but we have a major problem . It isn't the dmg at burning tendons but we get overkilled by the small adds (oozes) when the 2nd tendon from the 2nd platform spawns. Our setup is :
Tanks: warrior-feral
DPS: frost dk -mage-hunter-rogue-balanced druid
Healers: disc priest - resto druid-holy paladin
So , would it be good of we could assign 1 dps to assist the tank killing the oozes or the tank should begin kiting them at that point? Thank you in advance.
spine 10 man hc progress
spine 10 man hc progress
- Posts: 5
Re: spine 10 man hc progress
- Posts: 54
I assume that at the start of a new plate you kill all bloods and drag the algamations over them to clear them up? If so you shouldnt really need a great amount of dps just an occasional Wild Mushroom (if its not close to Nuke Phase),Howling Blast's, multishot etc, this fight is great for a demo warlock since they normally take care of our bloods since they need to refresh Meta. I'd Keep Melee, Boomkin and Hunter on the Alga and Mage (hope he's arcane) for the bloods, since he has big hits in short time so shouldnt be much of a problem, also get your disc priest to smitey smite when healing the debuff in between stacking up because that shouldnt be much of a problem. If you are having trouble with bloods on second plate i say start kiting bit quicker than normal, we normally on start kiting on 3 plate second lift. I also presume the warr tank is tanking bloods so kiting should be easy. but good luck to you and your guild and hope this helped a bit!
Re: spine 10 man hc progress
- Posts: 5
Thank you for your reply. Gonna test it tommorrow and i'll let you know how it goes .
3 posts -