Hi guys. Sorry i'm doing a topic on your forum and completely understand if you are taking it away without answering me.
My nickname is Nuqe, 22 years old and played WoW from the first day it came out in feb 2005 on going after that for about 3.5 years. Stopped playing about 1 month before WotLK came out.
The reason I am in need of your help is to know how WoW is now?
Is it still fun to play? I know a lot have changed since I played the last time.
I am concidering starting again since WoW has a gameplay that makes every other mmorpg look like a irl chess match(boring that will say).
Since you are a highly ranked guild I thought you may help me out doing my decision. Is it worth to come back?
Thanks for sharing your opportunity, and as i said, no hard feelings if you delete this topic since you will problably think i'm just another noob wanting attention.
Help needed.
Help needed.
- Posts: 3
Re: Help needed.
- Posts: 551
Hey Nuqe, you actually asked a very good question. Even tho I believe I'm not the best person to answer to this question I'd like to write my thoughts here:
Nowadays a lot of people think "wow is shit" or "end game raiding is ruined" etc. People say Vanilla/TBC has been the best stuff wow has ever been able to offer but on the other hand many Vanilla hc raiders say Blizzard has made a lot of good changes and the game has been getting better and better all the time.
I think the only thing I can promise is a solid fact is that the game is more accessible to casual players. The new lfg tool, badge loot and the normal/heroic modes of the instances offer pretty much everyone a chance to start raiding and obtain pretty good gear. It's actually possible to pug stuff nowadays and get the gear you always wanted if you are lucky with the drops and rolls. So if you don't want to join a raiding guild but you still want to raid casually I think you should definetly come back.
End game raiding wise the situation is different. With the new limited attempts system guilds can no longer bang their heads against the wall for 19 hours straight to get the kill. In Icecrown you have 20 tries to kill 4 (hard) bosses. What most of the guilds do to learn the encounters is that they make an alt raid to scout the bosses and practise. That's what Paragon has done. A lot of people feel that the limited attempt system is the worst shit ever that has happened to the game because a hc guild pretty much has to have an alt raid. Some famous old guilds have actually disbanded because of that and I can totally understand them. See for example Last Resort's web page http://www.lrguild.org/ for their point of view on raiding in Wrath of the Lich King. So if you'd like to raid on the very top be prepared to play 2 characters.
On the other hand some guilds like the limitations as it limits the time they can spend on raiding during a reset.
TLDR; My opinion of the game is that it's been getting better in some ways but I feel like Blizzard is afraid of doing REALLY hard bosses. Now they just implement different kind of limitations to raiding. We have been wipeing like mad on HC Lich King and I love it. Other bosses should have been more like him. So I still enjoy raiding and think it can offer us as a guild enough challenge.
Besides raiding (on 2 characters) I like collecting achievements and of course playing with friends. Luckily the social side of wow will never change.
I'm sorry for the wall of text that didn't really answer your question. I'd like to hear other readers' opinion on the subject tho!
Nowadays a lot of people think "wow is shit" or "end game raiding is ruined" etc. People say Vanilla/TBC has been the best stuff wow has ever been able to offer but on the other hand many Vanilla hc raiders say Blizzard has made a lot of good changes and the game has been getting better and better all the time.
I think the only thing I can promise is a solid fact is that the game is more accessible to casual players. The new lfg tool, badge loot and the normal/heroic modes of the instances offer pretty much everyone a chance to start raiding and obtain pretty good gear. It's actually possible to pug stuff nowadays and get the gear you always wanted if you are lucky with the drops and rolls. So if you don't want to join a raiding guild but you still want to raid casually I think you should definetly come back.
End game raiding wise the situation is different. With the new limited attempts system guilds can no longer bang their heads against the wall for 19 hours straight to get the kill. In Icecrown you have 20 tries to kill 4 (hard) bosses. What most of the guilds do to learn the encounters is that they make an alt raid to scout the bosses and practise. That's what Paragon has done. A lot of people feel that the limited attempt system is the worst shit ever that has happened to the game because a hc guild pretty much has to have an alt raid. Some famous old guilds have actually disbanded because of that and I can totally understand them. See for example Last Resort's web page http://www.lrguild.org/ for their point of view on raiding in Wrath of the Lich King. So if you'd like to raid on the very top be prepared to play 2 characters.
On the other hand some guilds like the limitations as it limits the time they can spend on raiding during a reset.
TLDR; My opinion of the game is that it's been getting better in some ways but I feel like Blizzard is afraid of doing REALLY hard bosses. Now they just implement different kind of limitations to raiding. We have been wipeing like mad on HC Lich King and I love it. Other bosses should have been more like him. So I still enjoy raiding and think it can offer us as a guild enough challenge.
Besides raiding (on 2 characters) I like collecting achievements and of course playing with friends. Luckily the social side of wow will never change.
I'm sorry for the wall of text that didn't really answer your question. I'd like to hear other readers' opinion on the subject tho!
Re: Help needed.
- Posts: 3
Thanks for the reply, xenophics!
It doesn't sound so bad to not giving it a try atleast. I'll wait untill next week to make my decision.
I'm mostly into PvP and minor Raids/instances anyway. If the opportunity comes to join a hardcore raid guild, then i'll problably pass.
Last time i played WoW i got 24/7 addicted and sometimes stayed awake 2-3 days just playing. I do not want that again.
Hopefully more people will reply here and share their oppinion.
It doesn't sound so bad to not giving it a try atleast. I'll wait untill next week to make my decision.
I'm mostly into PvP and minor Raids/instances anyway. If the opportunity comes to join a hardcore raid guild, then i'll problably pass.
Last time i played WoW i got 24/7 addicted and sometimes stayed awake 2-3 days just playing. I do not want that again.
Hopefully more people will reply here and share their oppinion.
Re: Help needed.
- Posts: 2
Hello there,
You are asking if wow is worth giving a try again, but you aren't sure because last time you played too much. However, in WoTLK you can enjoy pretty much all aspects of the game without putting very much effort into it. We have; badge system, buying tiers for badges, (technically you could obtain full t10 without visit a single raid), normal/hard mode, xrealm-LFG tool, and so on. And if you ask me, I prefer this over farming resistance gear for 2 months just to kill a boss. And I don't understand why people cry about WoTLK being too easy when we have several achievements and encounters only the best guilds have accomplished.
Yes, I think you should give it a shot and see how you feel. You can always quit if this wasn't your coppa tea.
My personal conclusion is that WoW isn't easier or ruined, it's just more accessible to everyone, including casuals. Just like it should be, since we all pay the monthly fee.
Also, I have a question to someone in Paragon; Exactly how hard is Lich King HC25? Compared to any other encounter in wow so far? I'm not fishing for details, just curiosity :P
*Keep in mind I am not English and thus my English isn't very good.*
You are asking if wow is worth giving a try again, but you aren't sure because last time you played too much. However, in WoTLK you can enjoy pretty much all aspects of the game without putting very much effort into it. We have; badge system, buying tiers for badges, (technically you could obtain full t10 without visit a single raid), normal/hard mode, xrealm-LFG tool, and so on. And if you ask me, I prefer this over farming resistance gear for 2 months just to kill a boss. And I don't understand why people cry about WoTLK being too easy when we have several achievements and encounters only the best guilds have accomplished.
Yes, I think you should give it a shot and see how you feel. You can always quit if this wasn't your coppa tea.
My personal conclusion is that WoW isn't easier or ruined, it's just more accessible to everyone, including casuals. Just like it should be, since we all pay the monthly fee.
Also, I have a question to someone in Paragon; Exactly how hard is Lich King HC25? Compared to any other encounter in wow so far? I'm not fishing for details, just curiosity :P
*Keep in mind I am not English and thus my English isn't very good.*
Re: Help needed.
- Posts: 473
Then again, if you stopped because you played too much it's somewhat likely you'll be hooked again and unable to play casual. Been there, done that...
To anyone concerned about the "vanilla was best, TBC and WotLK ruined the game, boohoo"-whine I'd just like to point out that almost everyone still playing in the top guilds seems to agree that the game has mostly gone in a good direction; bosses are not horribly buggy anymore, there's no more grinding low level instances for resistance gear, class balance is rather decent and you don't need to run raid instances 2 tiers below just to attune your new members/rerolls.
Just about the only thing I dislike is that all the 3 different itemlevel versions of tiers have same looks (besides minor color differences) - back in TBC you could still tell if someone's a real raider without having to mouseover/inspect him...
To anyone concerned about the "vanilla was best, TBC and WotLK ruined the game, boohoo"-whine I'd just like to point out that almost everyone still playing in the top guilds seems to agree that the game has mostly gone in a good direction; bosses are not horribly buggy anymore, there's no more grinding low level instances for resistance gear, class balance is rather decent and you don't need to run raid instances 2 tiers below just to attune your new members/rerolls.
Just about the only thing I dislike is that all the 3 different itemlevel versions of tiers have same looks (besides minor color differences) - back in TBC you could still tell if someone's a real raider without having to mouseover/inspect him...
Re: Help needed.
- Posts: 273
siberia wrote:Exactly how hard is Lich King HC25? Compared to any other encounter in wow so far?
It's hard to put down any definitive scale because of all the (at times) rapid nerfs and bufixes to encounters and whatnot, but suffice to say that he's a very hard boss.
arx / xaar
Re: Help needed.
- Posts: 3
Thanks for your oppinions.
I'll give WoW a try and from your telling i can tell that WoW now matches a game i would like to play again and still feeling free to leave and do something else.
The main reason i got so addicted to WoW before was the farming and collecting for the instances back then and as you said is that not necessary anymore.
Well maybe i'll see you guys online. The chance is not very high but anyway.
I'll give WoW a try and from your telling i can tell that WoW now matches a game i would like to play again and still feeling free to leave and do something else.
The main reason i got so addicted to WoW before was the farming and collecting for the instances back then and as you said is that not necessary anymore.
Well maybe i'll see you guys online. The chance is not very high but anyway.
7 posts -