First of all : Hello from Germany and Congrats to your spectacular comeback on the 25 Raids !
So 'cause you got banned, you had to kill the first 6 Encounters also on 10 man Heroic Mode, so me and my Raid ( We are / were Germans most successful 2-Day-25 Raid ) are realy interested in your Opinion about the tuning of 25 Heroic Mode vs the 10 Man Heroic Mode.
Can you perhaps tell us something about the tuning ? Is 10 Man realy easier than 25 Heroics ?
At last I just want to excuse me for my bad english, didn't used it for a while ;-)
10 Man vs 25 Man [ HC ]
10 Man vs 25 Man [ HC ]
- Posts: 2
Re: 10 Man vs 25 Man [ HC ]
- Posts: 405
I think the general consensus is that most of the fights were easier in the 10-man mode. Ultraxion, for example, is significantly harder in the 25-man. Some fights do not differ that much. Gunship would be an exception and definitely much harder in 10-man.
As for the rest of the fights, not gonna comment on them just yet. There's some discrepancies (again) though.
As for the rest of the fights, not gonna comment on them just yet. There's some discrepancies (again) though.
Re: 10 Man vs 25 Man [ HC ]
- Posts: 2
Thanks for your answer, zYN :)
So good luck @ Deathwing with Paragon. You'll do it again !
So good luck @ Deathwing with Paragon. You'll do it again !
3 posts -