Hows Deathwing H progression going?
Re: Hows Deathwing H progression going?
- Posts: 2
Are you going to share some info on the Spine kill? I am interested to see how things went, how your experience was this time, and how and why you got stuck for a few days (I already know but maybe it will stop the stupid comments on the forums. Oh... who am I kidding, never going to happen.), etc.
Re: Hows Deathwing H progression going?
- Posts: 357
Aurumai wrote:You can't just judge them comparatively the top 3 guilds. Personally, I don't think Blood Legion will be the world's best guild anytime soon, and seeing The Race to World First showed me that they're struggling with being a top guild. At the same time, look at them comparatively to Vodka. Vodka was in 5th place, Blood Legion in 15th. This season, (so far) Vodka is placed at 7th and Blood Legion managed to place 4th. Blood Legion has undergone a pretty substantial improvement recently, and I think that they deserve credit for it.
I can judge them on whatever I want since it is my opinion. Blood Legion is, to me, no serious contender for World Firsts. They are a Top 10 guild, I'd always give them that. Maybe even Top 5. But the difference between World First and #5 is four important places.
Before KIN Raiders surprised most of us with their World Firsts on Spine and Madness of Deathwing, Paragon was the most serious and natural contender for the World Firsts due to their long success streak in the past months. Behind them Method was the strongest from my point of view.
I know that American guilds have a harder time keeping up for various reasons, like time and dedication. And I would never hold that against them or see it as something negative. But there are reasons that make them unable to be on eye level with Paragon, Method and now maybe KIN Raiders.
And in the race for World Firsts it is about who is running next to you, not behind you. And the American guilds have in the past months or maybe even years ran a little behind. Not much, but enough to be out of the decision who wins at the end.
<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs
Re: Hows Deathwing H progression going?
- Posts: 1
paragon reached their peak. period.
not because of paragon lagging, but because of the competition outpacing them (and others).
asia will dominate the HC scene from now on, mark my words. as they already do and will be doing in various areas of society also. the difference of US and EU conditions is being mentioned in some of these post, things with work/life, time etc., explaining why in recent races EU was on top of US. same differences apply if you compare EU and Asia. and this will cause for the difference that in my view is here to stay as we move into next tiers. we'll see Asia on top more often from now on.
my 2 cents
or my 2 korean wons - if the exchange rate is favourable
not because of paragon lagging, but because of the competition outpacing them (and others).
asia will dominate the HC scene from now on, mark my words. as they already do and will be doing in various areas of society also. the difference of US and EU conditions is being mentioned in some of these post, things with work/life, time etc., explaining why in recent races EU was on top of US. same differences apply if you compare EU and Asia. and this will cause for the difference that in my view is here to stay as we move into next tiers. we'll see Asia on top more often from now on.
my 2 cents
or my 2 korean wons - if the exchange rate is favourable
Re: Hows Deathwing H progression going?
- Posts: 2
For years PARAGON has held it's ground against time zones preaty well, but folding two weeks into one just proved too much for even them to handle...
For a race to be called a race, all racers MUST race by the same rules...
For a race to be called a race, all racers MUST race by the same rules...
Re: Hows Deathwing H progression going?
- Posts: 6
Still believe that it's hard to compare guilds over DS.
Due to the LFR incident, and to the double reset (and the thousands legendaries for Kin Raiders) during Firelands, it's hard to tell who's the best. (Maybe I'm wrong, but Spine seems to be hard mainly because of the tendons burst. I don't believe that the rest is a problem for Paragon (I mean healing/tanking - as they have enough alts to swap a druid tank for a dk, or a druid heal for a shaman..)
I still assume that Paragon did it well so far. I'm not a fanboy, or whatever, but looking the facts, the race hasn't been fair for everyone.
Due to the LFR incident, and to the double reset (and the thousands legendaries for Kin Raiders) during Firelands, it's hard to tell who's the best. (Maybe I'm wrong, but Spine seems to be hard mainly because of the tendons burst. I don't believe that the rest is a problem for Paragon (I mean healing/tanking - as they have enough alts to swap a druid tank for a dk, or a druid heal for a shaman..)
I still assume that Paragon did it well so far. I'm not a fanboy, or whatever, but looking the facts, the race hasn't been fair for everyone.
Re: Hows Deathwing H progression going?
- Posts: 29
meth wrote:I can judge them on whatever I want since it is my opinion. Blood Legion is, to me, no serious contender for World Firsts.
Let me rephrase that. You can't reasonably make that comparison.
meth wrote:They are a Top 10 guild, I'd always give them that. Maybe even Top 5. But the difference between World First and #5 is four important places.
Are you forgetting that they had several world first kills this season?
meth wrote:Before KIN Raiders surprised most of us with their World Firsts on Spine and Madness of Deathwing, Paragon was the most serious and natural contender for the World Firsts due to their long success streak in the past months. Behind them Method was the strongest from my point of view.
I can't really disagree with you there, but the fact that Method and Paragon have had the world world first spot doesn't mean that they will always and forever be "the best".
meth wrote:And in the race for World Firsts it is about who is running next to you, not behind you. And the American guilds have in the past months or maybe even years ran a little behind. Not much, but enough to be out of the decision who wins at the end.
Like I said, you seem to be forgetting the fact that Blood Legion had several world first kills this season.
Re: Hows Deathwing H progression going?
- Posts: 23
Like I said, you seem to be forgetting the fact that Blood Legion had several world first kills this season
Its just no way blood legion would have gotten so many world firsts if the EU guilds wasnt banned. US guilds are behind easy.
Re: Hows Deathwing H progression going?
- Posts: 29
themaan wrote:Its just no way blood legion would have gotten so many world firsts if the EU guilds wasnt banned. US guilds are behind easy.
Let me remind you that it wasn't an American guild who got either of the world-firsts on Deathwing. KIN Raiders don't even have 10M progression displayed in progression -- They didn't receive any bans, either. That means that Blood Legion didn't run the race alone.