The LFR discussion

Re: The LFR discussion

Post 06 Dec 2011 18:15

Avatar Rayvik
Posts: 5
DiamondTear wrote:If you look at the situation objectively, not exploiting would have guaranteed the wrong result. Either they would have had an advantage or they would have been banned. Either way the race wouldn't have been fair.

We'd rather guarantee an even footing than risk advantage for either guild.

First you say you exploited because you didn't want your competition to have an advantage, then you say you exploited due to some altruistic notion of protection of the integrity of the race by ensuring everyone would be on equal footing? Wow. Now that's some spin doctoring right there. Do you work in PR by chance? =P

Re: The LFR discussion

Post 06 Dec 2011 18:19

Avatar Failadin
Posts: 5
Rayvik wrote:
DiamondTear wrote:If you look at the situation objectively, not exploiting would have guaranteed the wrong result. Either they would have had an advantage or they would have been banned. Either way the race wouldn't have been fair.

We'd rather guarantee an even footing than risk advantage for either guild.

So you're saying Paragon chose to exploit in the name of preserving the integrity of the race? First you say you exploited because you didn't want your competition to have an advantage, then you say you exploited so that everyone would be on equal footing? Wow. Now that's some spin doctoring right there. Do you work in PR by chance? =P

Seriously? Step back a minute and think about your statement. They admit they did wrong, they admit it! They did however have a legitimate reason to do so, that does not in any way take from the guilt. But it is reasonable and understandable to any outsider that isn't just here to point and laugh. You're in a race to first and others are doing something naughty, you either do it and risk punishment or don't do it and risk those who did do it not get punished and have an edge. Especially considering the arbitrary way Blizzard has defined and punished for rule violations in the past.

Re: The LFR discussion

Post 06 Dec 2011 18:31

Avatar Rayvik
Posts: 5
Failadin wrote:
Rayvik wrote:
DiamondTear wrote:If you look at the situation objectively, not exploiting would have guaranteed the wrong result. Either they would have had an advantage or they would have been banned. Either way the race wouldn't have been fair.

We'd rather guarantee an even footing than risk advantage for either guild.

So you're saying Paragon chose to exploit in the name of preserving the integrity of the race? First you say you exploited because you didn't want your competition to have an advantage, then you say you exploited so that everyone would be on equal footing? Wow. Now that's some spin doctoring right there. Do you work in PR by chance? =P

Seriously? Step back a minute and think about your statement. They admit they did wrong, they admit it! They did however have a legitimate reason to do so, that does not in any way take from the guilt. But it is reasonable and understandable to any outsider that isn't just here to point and laugh. You're in a race to first and others are doing something naughty, you either do it and risk punishment or don't do it and risk those who did do it not get punished and have an edge. Especially considering the arbitrary way Blizzard has defined and punished for rule violations in the past.

And that's all well and fine Failadin. But to try to pass it off as "we chose to exploit because we wanted the race to be fair, so even though we did something bad that makes us morally right because we wanted to protect the integrity of the race by making it fair" is spin doctoring, pure and simple. The decision to exploit was motivated by two factors:

1) Fear that if Paragon didn't exploit, they would be at a disadvantage, potentially losing World Firsts.
2) Blizzard's track record of not punishing exploiters, thereby providing a favorable risk/reward scenario.

Any statements contrary to those two points are, in my opinion, whitewashing the situation. Again, in my opinion, the evidence based on statements by Paragon members points to the decision being made purely for personal gain, not "IN THE NAME OF FAIRNESS, FOR GREAT JUSTICE!!!"

Re: The LFR discussion

Post 06 Dec 2011 18:54

Avatar Jianu
Posts: 1
You people were dumb. Regardless of moral pov ,u should have known better that this kind of exploit could not go as if nothing has happened. Looting a boss multiple times when was clearly stated that u can loot it once ,im curious what you were expecting ? That Blizzard will do , nothing ? . I guess not but you werent 100% sure so you made a decision based on logic.The exploit benefit was so outrageously obvious that the community reaction was indignation so Blizzard reaction had to be what it was showing that they dont have double standards bla bla.Logic not allways works , use your intuition sometimes boys and gals.

Re: The LFR discussion

Post 06 Dec 2011 19:00

Avatar Iijohnkeatingii
Posts: 6
If the referees in a soccer match only issued a penalty once a year for tripping then every team in the league would have to have a tripping strategy and have implemented it into their strats. They would have to do this to stay competitive. The teams that did not would suffer and no matter how much they screamed about fair play.

Look at Inner Sanctum in Tier 11. They decided to take a hard stance against using the exploits on Atramedes and Magmaw and did they get rewarded for it? No, they were ultimately punished because they were one of the few people to take that position and Blizzard did nothing.

So now here we are and Blizzard bans everyone. Ok, not the end of the world and Paragon has acknowledged that they were wrong but were they? Wouldn't the league have some responsibility in all of this in the above analogy. Shouldn't Blizzard.

People need to ease off IMO. There is always two sides to every story.

Re: The LFR discussion

Post 06 Dec 2011 19:35

Avatar Nicolai S
Posts: 3
if a lesser guild is able to get the world first hc kill i dont think any1 will "really" give them props for getting it since all the top competitors were out for a weak and it will prob always be seen as a race that "didnt count" or something in those lines, atleast thats what i think

Re: The LFR discussion

Post 06 Dec 2011 20:27

Avatar Astay
Posts: 1
I wonder if paragon and/or any of the other affected top-end guilds will borrow/pay accounts to still get to practise for the week they are out. Would be a good idea imo

Re: The LFR discussion

Post 06 Dec 2011 20:43

Avatar Mercadi
Posts: 3
Just curious, if you can answer. How will Paragon be affected by bans this week?
Going to use alt accounts? Will there be shortage of players this week?

Re: The LFR discussion

Post 06 Dec 2011 20:52

User avatarSaintlyn
Posts: 9
Took a great deal to admit you were wrong.

My respect to guys and gals from Paragon for that.

The race may turn different now, but hey - I get you can make it!

Best of luck.