Hardest Boss Ever
Hardest Boss Ever
- Posts: 1
I realize that all of you were not together since the game release but I figure all of you started somewhere and just wanted to know what was the most difficult raid boss encounter you have encountered so far. Classic - Cata. Only taking into factor gear availability and skill required.
Re: Hardest Boss Ever
- Posts: 51
They've already answered it. It was Ragnaros 25 man heroic from Cataclysm, Lich King 25 man heroic from wotlk, Probably Kil'Jaeden or Mu'ru from Sunwell Plateu and Ragnaros from classic wow. Deathwing will probably have around 800m HP and it will be an encounter throughout different places and will most likely be one of the hardest bosses in wows history.
3 posts -