We have a semi-hardcore 10man. It doesn't go for non stop heroics but with 2 days a week raiding we've done nefarian recently and now at chimaeron hc (after halfus hc).
I had an idea to maximize days raiding (only about 2 a week happen with no incident or with no socials in it): to have a standby system that has about 2 or 3 people outside the raid, but, everyone alternating depending on loot needed. e.g. 'do you need loot here? no? get out. you, get in". This of course wouldn't make sense on the progression boss, but it would be great for the bosses that down easily.
What do you guys think?
What about the numbers? Do you think 2 or 3 are enough? Or should we have for just 1 or 2 standbies (to no have tensions) or 4 standbies? OR should we stop trying to fix a 10man and try to go 25?
Over-cast a 10man for a standbying system
Re: Over-cast a 10man for a standbying system
- Posts: 551
The situation is indeed a bit tricky as as a raid leader you have to think about keeping everyone motivated and about getting new bosses down. Gearing a few extra guys is always a good idea because different bosses prefer a bit different setup. My advice is to cherry pick the best setup for each boss if you play to kill the bosses, if your goal is to have fun together you should try to get people in in turns. I think this matter of your goals has an effect on how many people you should have on standby. If people are comfortable with going with the best setup possible, have more on standby, if you want to be fair to everyone, have less.
About 10 and 25-mans, it's hard to say. I've found it pretty easy to organize a 10-man raid since there is only a handful of people to coordinate. I think it's a matter of opinion which you should go for.
I hope you got something from my answer, might have been a bit incoherent.
The situation is indeed a bit tricky as as a raid leader you have to think about keeping everyone motivated and about getting new bosses down. Gearing a few extra guys is always a good idea because different bosses prefer a bit different setup. My advice is to cherry pick the best setup for each boss if you play to kill the bosses, if your goal is to have fun together you should try to get people in in turns. I think this matter of your goals has an effect on how many people you should have on standby. If people are comfortable with going with the best setup possible, have more on standby, if you want to be fair to everyone, have less.
About 10 and 25-mans, it's hard to say. I've found it pretty easy to organize a 10-man raid since there is only a handful of people to coordinate. I think it's a matter of opinion which you should go for.
I hope you got something from my answer, might have been a bit incoherent.
Re: Over-cast a 10man for a standbying system
- Posts: 317
We get dkp for staying on stand-by. It's a good option to let everyone who wants to stay on stand-by.
You should ask your guild what they want. At your level it's more important to keep everyone happy than to make sure drops are used optimally (which can make them happy, too).
You should ask your guild what they want. At your level it's more important to keep everyone happy than to make sure drops are used optimally (which can make them happy, too).
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