Recruit more. This is the toughest job for a guild leader, and the thing that sets good and bad guilds apart: how to get 10/25(+) skilled and motivated people playing.
Sometimes it takes a lot of time to find the right people who have similar goals with raiding. If you can't find them, try to apply to another guild. Trust me, other guilds are struggling with member problems as well.
Starting to Raid
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Re: Starting to Raid
- Posts: 551
Re: Starting to Raid
- Posts: 1
zaqxswcd95 wrote:susanexpress wrote:Do whatever you want to do.
But then we wiped... A lot.
You you guys have any suggestions for keeping people commited, we recruite people to our guild, and only 4 people show up (out off all 10 accepting the event invite). Any tips for that?
A good and fairly easy way to find committed personnel is to look at previous guilds that these raiders have been in before. For instance, if these members have been in raiding guilds with schedules like your's before, it is most likely that they will be able to uphold their end of the deal.
In all honesty, a good guild application process will fix your problems in a second. Depending on your raiding style, (casual, semi-hardcore, hardcore), you should be able to put a requirement as to how many raids you must attend. For this example, as a semi-hardcore guild, we require 95% attendance and 100% attendance during our trial (2-week) period. If trials do not meet our expectations, they are automatically withdrawn from the group.
Either way you look at it, there is always going to be a couple people who decide that they just won't show up to the raids, do to whatever reasons. This is why it is always better to have a less-experienced, but willing person than someone who will always top meters, but only show up when they feel like it.
It is a game, but not showing up to raids costs other members countless wasted hours. Pick and choose wisely.
Re: Starting to Raid
- Posts: 2
Edit: Basically what Xeno said. Didn't realize there was a second page when I wrote this, lol.
The only real thing you can do about that is recruit more dedicated players and get backups/swap ins (though swapping people in and out isn't really needed for 10 man normal for the most part).. or maybe offer some kind of reward for coming. For example, my last guild had so much gold in the guild bank that they started offering 200g to everybody in the raid for being there on time and staying all night. Although most everybody already had 95%+ attendance, this is still just another incentive. This, of course, is just an idea you could try.
Other then offering something to raise attendance, you just gotta make sure you're recruiting the right people. You don't want somebody who will rage quit after a wipe or two, or someone who is going to have incredibly low attendance.
The only real thing you can do about that is recruit more dedicated players and get backups/swap ins (though swapping people in and out isn't really needed for 10 man normal for the most part).. or maybe offer some kind of reward for coming. For example, my last guild had so much gold in the guild bank that they started offering 200g to everybody in the raid for being there on time and staying all night. Although most everybody already had 95%+ attendance, this is still just another incentive. This, of course, is just an idea you could try.
Other then offering something to raise attendance, you just gotta make sure you're recruiting the right people. You don't want somebody who will rage quit after a wipe or two, or someone who is going to have incredibly low attendance.
Re: Starting to Raid
- Posts: 75
Gal (our GL) and I were just talking about this the other day on vent. We would do these thing if we had the recourses, but our guild is falling apart (sorta, its getting better now, because of all the recruiting I've done). We are a casual guild, that raid on weekends (Fri night 11pm server time, Sat nights 9pm server time, and Sun at 2pm server time) We realize the friday night is a little late, but those who have shown up to all of them say thats the best time for them. Is maybe the times one of the issues? And I say in TC that they don't need to know about the fights because we can teach them (Those who show up know most everything) is that maybe another problem?
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