Ok so there has been a lot of discussion in my guild between the officers of either having our raiders pick up Mirror of Broken Images so that fights like Nef HC and others who deal a bit more elemental dmg so its easier on the healers.
Another officer and myself are in agreement that Replacing a DPS or Healing Trinket for Mirror of Broken Images would not be a good idea since your losing dps or hps that will not equal to the gain your getting having the Mirror equiped since mastery is also not the best stat around for a lot of dps and even after reforging I still do not think it will make up for what you're already losing from not having your DPS/Healing trinket equipped.
Now I have been looking around through theorycrafting sites and many other forums for any inclination that these other officers are correct or incorrect in their assumption that having this trinket over what your already have equipped for dps or healing is a better outcome for the raid. I know tanks are picking this up since the mastery on it alone is great for us, but i just dont think its the same for others in the raid to even have it on.
I guess what i am aiming for is to see if any other guilds have had this decision come up and see what route they took and the reason why.
Mirror of Broken Images .. Does your Raid need it?
Mirror of Broken Images .. Does your Raid need it?
- Posts: 6
Ok so I posted this on MMO Champion but thought id post it here to see what you guys in Paragon or other guilds thought.
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