hello , am leader of a 10man guild . we are a friendly and good guild with good progress in our content
am looking for a good loot system to set for guild in cata expansion , i need some help
cuz am not familiar with loot systems . plz help me and guide me about which loot system will work better for a 10man guild
10man guild loot system?
10man guild loot system?
- Posts: 2
Re: 10man guild loot system?
- Posts: 158
DKP if casual guild, officer loot if everyone is pretty much 100% attendance. That's just my opinion, I know others do prefer DKP over everything.
DKP might be easier to start with, since for officer/loot council system you need pretty much knowledge of each class and in some guilds it might also cause drama if someone feels that the decisions have been unfair towards him.
DKP might be easier to start with, since for officer/loot council system you need pretty much knowledge of each class and in some guilds it might also cause drama if someone feels that the decisions have been unfair towards him.
Hating with passion
Re: 10man guild loot system?
- Posts: 405
If you want to go with progression and mostly giving out loot to people who benefit from it the most, then loot council is a pretty good choice. If you're not sure who should get it or who it benefits even, then just ask your players. Most of the time they'll be able to give out very good suggestions and discuss with you who should get it, as long as they know their class and as long as they're good players.
3 posts -