Hi i noticed that on all your Cataclysm videos an offtank was warrior, not Lazeil as usual(beside Chimaeron video). My question is, why did you changed it. Is it just because Lazeil couldnt attend them or you changed tanks because paladins are weakest tanks atm (taking most dmg or any other reason)? So please, could you explain why did you changed tank?
Thanks in advance.
Cataclysm beta raids
Cataclysm beta raids
- Posts: 3
Re: Cataclysm beta raids
- Posts: 39
Lazeil was not available for the raids at that moment, so we used me to tank as i had the best tanking gear available. All tanks are quite equal atm with paladins being the worst of them i would say. So maybe it even was better this way.
Warrior also has some nice abilities like shockwave which totally rocks all add-fights compared to a paladin tank.
Warrior also has some nice abilities like shockwave which totally rocks all add-fights compared to a paladin tank.
Re: Cataclysm beta raids
- Posts: 3
Thanks again for reply, but you made me a bit worried saying that paladin tanks a bit behind other ones (since I'm one of them). Well let's hope lizzard will balance everything (well, they certainly will, at some point :P)
Re: Cataclysm beta raids
- Posts: 405
We haven't been gearing or using the tanks with any kind of logic, so you shouldn't make any assumptions based on if we're using a tank x & y or not using them. It's still just normal modes on the beta, and not completely finished encounters at that. We're not min-maxing at this point almost at all.
I don't know where Verdisha is pulling his information from, but the tanks aren't anywhere close to "equal" as it is - if things stay the way they are, this fact will become quite evident during hard modes. There's glaring differences between survivability and DPS output between the tanks.
I don't know where Verdisha is pulling his information from, but the tanks aren't anywhere close to "equal" as it is - if things stay the way they are, this fact will become quite evident during hard modes. There's glaring differences between survivability and DPS output between the tanks.
Re: Cataclysm beta raids
- Posts: 3
zYN wrote: There's glaring differences between survivability and DPS output between the tanks.
Could you please tell which tank is the best at this time? It doesnt seem that Blizzard is messing with trees/abilities anymore (I mean, latest beta builds contain very small amount of changes, for tanks at least)as it was at the beggining, imo we can expect very similar class balance on live cataclysm (well thats 1 month and 1 week away) then we do on beta now.
Re: Cataclysm beta raids
- Posts: 39
With tanks being equal i ment that every single encounter atm is doable with any tank.
Warrior tank doing really high dps, druid and DK having best survivability vs hard hitting mobs, and paladins being worse than warrior on dps and survivability wise the worst.
Warrior tank doing really high dps, druid and DK having best survivability vs hard hitting mobs, and paladins being worse than warrior on dps and survivability wise the worst.
Re: Cataclysm beta raids
- Posts: 405
Well that's certainly true. You can do any fight with any tank, it won't make much of a difference. Will be interesting to see what happens after the buff to normal modes - if things become more of a challenge, I'm pretty sure we'll see some more tank balancing done.
On "which tank is the best", I'd agree with pretty much what Verdisha said though. Druid makes for the best overall tank at the moment imo. Quite high DPS, no problems picking up adds at awkward times, very good survivability. DKs at the moment have some pretty unique advantages on bosses that just hit damn hard every once in a while. Warriors have a beastly damage output.
On "which tank is the best", I'd agree with pretty much what Verdisha said though. Druid makes for the best overall tank at the moment imo. Quite high DPS, no problems picking up adds at awkward times, very good survivability. DKs at the moment have some pretty unique advantages on bosses that just hit damn hard every once in a while. Warriors have a beastly damage output.
Re: Cataclysm beta raids
- Posts: 123
zYN wrote:On "which tank is the best", I'd agree with pretty much what Verdisha said though. Druid makes for the best overall tank at the moment imo.
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