Hey there Paragon priests and other healers!
I have a few questions that are in need of some pro-advice. The guild that I am in, Fire and Blood, has currently started to progress through the H LK 25 encounter.
Currently, we are attempting to 5 heal the encounter with 1-2 Holy pallies, 1-2 Resto Druids, 1-2 Resto Shamans, and myself as the lonely Disc priest. (I am normally holy, but have respecced since our Disc priest is away for a few weeks) We've noticed that in Phase 1, with Infest, that the shields seem to not be covering the required HP to keep some people topped off at 90% after infest. I am able to just barely shield 20 people before the infest comes off, leaving the warlocks and DKs to pop their cooldowns to keep themselves above 90%.
What I'm wondering is if my gear is what is holding us back? It won't happen all the time, but it seems like at least every infest there are a few random people's shields that don't fully absorb and they quickly go bye bye after that.
If it's not my gear holding us back, are there any suggestions you have that I could bring up to our other healers? Should our druids be hot'ing the entire raid in-case a shield drops? Are we using too few of healers?
Just looking for some general tips to help improve our game so we can finally take this guy down. :)
Thanks for your time and gratz on the no-buff kill. ;)
My armory for reference below: Few gaps in my gear, conq drops never happen. :(
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... =D%C3%B9sk
Heroic LK 25 Disc Shield Issues
Heroic LK 25 Disc Shield Issues
- Posts: 1
Re: Heroic LK 25 Disc Shield Issues
- Posts: 38
- Location: Tampere
Hello fellow priest healer :) I might not be as pro as Paragon healers, but I did not see answers for you here so I wanted to post some my own toughts here to aid you on next reset if anyone from Paragon does not answer before you got there again. Our guild has killed LK 10-man heroic long time ago and we are now in same position on training 25-man heroic kill as your guild is and I think I know couple of things what might go wrong on your tries.
First of all, I think you should not use restoration druids at all on since they cant do as much as other healers because of druid hots cant heal infest overtime (tough I am not sure about with this 30% buff) and their direct heals are not just as good to heal infest as for example circle of healing or chain heal. Replace those restodruids with another shaman or priest healer and it may help you a lot (as my personal opinion, 2 holy pallys + disc priest + holy priest + resto shaman is the best healer setup, but if you feel so you can replace holy priest or resto shaman with another disc priest if you think that you cant handle infest and other raid members cant survive from those infests which may come when you are grabbed by an valkyr).
Then about your shield issues. In phase 1, ghouls what LK summons may hit some dps classes like retribution paladins or fury warriors which do some aoe damage in their usual rotation and get agro from ghouls that are still near LK, the shield may be weakened or completely absorbed by those ghouls before infest hits them and that means nothing covers them from infest and it starts to tick.
Personally I handle those infests by giving bubbles to those ”problem dps'es” (and for tanks) couple of seconds before infest comes so there is no change of that shield would be down. And there should be coming some pre-cast chain heal to melee on every infest just in case, also holy priest circle of healing is nice way to secure infests but you dont have one so shamans should handle those. I wonder why you can give bubble only to barely 20 peoples? I dont have problems in giving it to 25 and keeping my absobs on tanks at the same time, if I am late for some reason I just give it to 20 people and precast prayer of healing to last group with out shields and start my rotation again.
Just stick in your shielding rotation and remember to give and refresh your absorbs for tanks, you should get used to it pretty fast. And let those shamans handle the infests what may start ticking because there was not shield for some reason, there should not be many of those ticking and you really dont have time to start cast heals on infests if you want to keep everyone shielded.
I dont think it is about your gear at all, atleast it is better than my gear. Try to find some new tips for your raids from my text and if there is something what goes wrong or if you need further advice, I will also talk more with you gladly. Hopefully this helped you bit atleast, and lets see what some healer from Paragon is going to say about the issue.
First of all, I think you should not use restoration druids at all on since they cant do as much as other healers because of druid hots cant heal infest overtime (tough I am not sure about with this 30% buff) and their direct heals are not just as good to heal infest as for example circle of healing or chain heal. Replace those restodruids with another shaman or priest healer and it may help you a lot (as my personal opinion, 2 holy pallys + disc priest + holy priest + resto shaman is the best healer setup, but if you feel so you can replace holy priest or resto shaman with another disc priest if you think that you cant handle infest and other raid members cant survive from those infests which may come when you are grabbed by an valkyr).
Then about your shield issues. In phase 1, ghouls what LK summons may hit some dps classes like retribution paladins or fury warriors which do some aoe damage in their usual rotation and get agro from ghouls that are still near LK, the shield may be weakened or completely absorbed by those ghouls before infest hits them and that means nothing covers them from infest and it starts to tick.
Personally I handle those infests by giving bubbles to those ”problem dps'es” (and for tanks) couple of seconds before infest comes so there is no change of that shield would be down. And there should be coming some pre-cast chain heal to melee on every infest just in case, also holy priest circle of healing is nice way to secure infests but you dont have one so shamans should handle those. I wonder why you can give bubble only to barely 20 peoples? I dont have problems in giving it to 25 and keeping my absobs on tanks at the same time, if I am late for some reason I just give it to 20 people and precast prayer of healing to last group with out shields and start my rotation again.
Just stick in your shielding rotation and remember to give and refresh your absorbs for tanks, you should get used to it pretty fast. And let those shamans handle the infests what may start ticking because there was not shield for some reason, there should not be many of those ticking and you really dont have time to start cast heals on infests if you want to keep everyone shielded.
I dont think it is about your gear at all, atleast it is better than my gear. Try to find some new tips for your raids from my text and if there is something what goes wrong or if you need further advice, I will also talk more with you gladly. Hopefully this helped you bit atleast, and lets see what some healer from Paragon is going to say about the issue.
Doing dps is a science, tanking is a job and healing is an art.
Re: Heroic LK 25 Disc Shield Issues
- Posts: 68
The goal for disci priest in LK25 hardmode is to have 20 shields up for every infest. That means that 1 group will not get shielded ever (unless you have a holy priest that throws some pity shields ;) ). Those 5 guys who do not get shields should include the 2 tanks atleast, since they are getting spamheals from 2-4 healers constantly (and that shield would break before infest). The other 3 guys should be some other melee guys, who take aggro from the ghouls and get their shields broken before the infest, so its no use on them anyway. This no-shield-group should then be your 2 tanks, fury warrior(s) and retri paladin(s).
All of your healers will have to know the group that never gets shields, so they can precast hots, poh, chain heal or pom on that group/players.
Those 20 shields that are supposed to be up before every infest might not be or might be enough for the infest to dissappear instantly. But usually some shields are not enough and that is good since otherwise the fight would be boring to heal :) If the disci priest if picked up by a valkyr, then things become interesting for it. If shit really hits the fan, you can call out for an innerfocus+divine hymn for the infest from a shadowpriest/holy priest.
If you have enough paladins in your raid, you can set up a shadow aura mastery rotation for every infest. If you dont have enough paladins to do this every infest, use aura masteries only on infests that you know are gonna hit hard.
I also think the best healing setup for this encounter is 2 holy paladins, 1 disci priest, 1 holy priest, 1 resto shaman. Nowdays with the 30% buff your dps should be more than enough so you can even get a sixth healer in. So you could try it with 2 holy paladins, 2 resto shamans,1 disci priest and 1 resto druid.
All of your healers will have to know the group that never gets shields, so they can precast hots, poh, chain heal or pom on that group/players.
Those 20 shields that are supposed to be up before every infest might not be or might be enough for the infest to dissappear instantly. But usually some shields are not enough and that is good since otherwise the fight would be boring to heal :) If the disci priest if picked up by a valkyr, then things become interesting for it. If shit really hits the fan, you can call out for an innerfocus+divine hymn for the infest from a shadowpriest/holy priest.
If you have enough paladins in your raid, you can set up a shadow aura mastery rotation for every infest. If you dont have enough paladins to do this every infest, use aura masteries only on infests that you know are gonna hit hard.
I also think the best healing setup for this encounter is 2 holy paladins, 1 disci priest, 1 holy priest, 1 resto shaman. Nowdays with the 30% buff your dps should be more than enough so you can even get a sixth healer in. So you could try it with 2 holy paladins, 2 resto shamans,1 disci priest and 1 resto druid.
3 posts -