Priest discussion

Re: Priest discussion

Post 31 Jul 2010 05:40

Avatar SameeR
Posts: 1
Hi! i'm from Russian servers.
i'm playing holy/disc priest and i have some questions

1. what will be better for holy:
have max haste for fh 1sek and gcd 1sek (like me) or change my holy spec for renew bild and gemming only for sp?(be like a restodruid)

2. it sounds crazy but we haven't retripal, shadowpriest or survhanter in our raids. summer everyone on holidays. so i have a little problem with mana. so i have gemmed to full int gems for increase my manapool. and full baffed i have 41k mana.
change gems to sp/sp+int

my armory Олариана

and some logs

ps. sorry for my english.

Re: Priest discussion

Post 01 Aug 2010 02:40

Avatar Fabbin
Posts: 5
I was just curious where you guys have your grid placed on your screen? I currently have mine bellow my toon and I am thinking of maybe moving it to the right of my toon... Not sure if anyone has any input or opinions on this, I am curious.


Re: Priest discussion

Post 01 Aug 2010 09:33

Avatar zin
Posts: 68
Hey Fabbin.

I like to keep my grid below my character at the middle of the screen. This way I can see what is happening around me better and not have grid blocking my view of the action.

Priest discussion - request for a little assistence

Post 04 Aug 2010 05:38

Avatar Kíria
Posts: 5
Hello everybody,

first of all: thank you for taking time to read my post. I´ll try to make it as short as possible to waste no time..

On my Server Wrathbringer (EU) I am playing a shadow priest normaly and know where to find informations about my class. Currently there is an absence of healer in my guild , so I have use my sec skill as dizi since some weeks... My main role as dizi is keeping up shields on every raid member and support the others with healing marks for example at saufang.

After the last raid I had a discussion with the heal leader about my performance. It seems to be too low but I have no idea how to improve...maybe you can give me a little support (tips, internet links to guides ....)

This is my char: ... K%C3%ADria

A Log of our last raid:

UI as Heal:
(ignore the chars on the left, during raids there is no group)
Thank you very much - Best regards

Last edited by Kíria on 29 Sep 2010 05:47, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Priest discussion

Post 11 Aug 2010 13:16

Avatar Sugarkills
Posts: 2
I see alot of holy priests gemming pure haste. I was wondering what the reasoning for this is and if you should go pure haste at what point should you gem it.

Also from a holy priest point of view should I always have 4 set or should I only use it for certain fights and on other use better pieces and drop 4 set?


Re: Priest discussion

Post 11 Aug 2010 17:56

User avatarmeth
Posts: 357
I can't give you the answer but a page before Ande wrote this about Holy gemming:

Ande wrote:I havent had problems with mana after the 10% buff. Pure sp gems are not only for disc, its the best option for holy as well since you pretty much use most of your time casting instants such as renew, coh and pom. So yes it is recommended to gem pure sp as holy. If you find yourself running out of mana even on next week with the 30% buff, try to switch some of the gems to sp+int and sp+spirit until you find a good balance where you dont run out of mana and then slowly switch back to full sp.

<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs

Re: Priest discussion

Post 19 Aug 2010 00:02

Avatar Draketh
Posts: 9
Hey. Atm im playing a disc/holy priest and ofc like nearly everyone i would really appreciate an comment on my gear and stuff ( notice that my offhand is my prio on upgrade list! ):

However, i would also like to get some answears if possable. Purified Lunar Dust or dual Solace for both disc or/and holy? What is the better/best combo?

Thanks :)

Re: Priest discussion

Post 19 Aug 2010 18:21

Avatar Dank
Posts: 1
I'm curious as to how Val'anyr stacks up to ICC-25-HM weapons for Holy.

I quit part way through ToGC and just came back recently. My assumption was that Val would still trump all the new weapons but I noticed some top Priests, that own Val'anyr, with Archus/Scepter/etc equipped. Have people been replacing it flat-out or is it a case of seeing them with their Disc weapon equipped?

Re: Priest discussion

Post 06 Sep 2010 11:34

Avatar Smetz
Posts: 3
Hi, I wonder is I should get Lunar dust or a tier piece for frost emblems.

and I also wonder if there is some 10 man spec for holy priests, Or can I use the renew spec?

Re: Priest discussion

Post 09 Sep 2010 21:22

Avatar Pheromone
Posts: 4
@Dank This was posted earlier and might help you.

Jhazrun wrote:Val'anyr's age is starting to show, and is quite brutally eclipsed by the Spell Power of the iLevel 277 weapons. I no longer wield it in any scenario after having got my hands on a Heroic Trauma, and the Lich King is likely among the most unfriendly encounter of all to the bearded legend.
Not only does the absorption component fail to contribute to cleansing Infest as Holy, but won't so much as show up in a Discipline one's Power Word: Shield blanketing.

Also this thread, although a bit outdated is a good read. ... 09fcbe09b7